Esgynodd Crist ein Ceidwad mawr

1,2,3,5;  1,2,4;  1,3,4.
(Esgyniad Crist)
Esgynodd Crist, ein Ceidwad mawr,
  Goruwch y nef mae'n Ben;
Heddychodd Ef y nef a'r llawr,
  Trwy farw ar y pren.

Drwy ffydd yn llon ni wnawn goffhâd
  Am ei esgyniad ef;
Drwy'r dysglaer byrth,
    aeth yr Ior mâd
  I mewn i lys y nef.

Mae'n eistedd ar ddeheulaw'r Tad,
  Ar orsedd fawr y nef;
Ac y mae'r cyfan sydd mewn bod
  Dan ei awdurdod Ef.

Mae yno'n eiriol drosom ni,
  Ar sail ei aberth drud;
Boed iddo glod, a mawl, a bri,
  Gan holl dylwythau'r byd.

Esgynodd Crist i nef y nef,
  I eiriol dros y gwan:
Fy enaid inau gyfyd ef,
  I'w fynwes yn y man.
1,2,4: Cas. o dros Ddwy Fil o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841
 3, 5 : Caniadau Y Cysegr 1855

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Gloucester (Ravenscroft's Psalter 1621)
St Magnus (Jeremiah Clarke c.1673-1707)

(The Ascension of Christ)
Crist, our great Saviour, ascended,
  Over heaven he is Chief;
He reconciled heaven and earth
  Through dying on the tree.

Through faith cheerfully let us commemorate
  His ascension;
Through the shining portals,
    went our good Lord
  Into the court of heaven.

He is sitting at the Father's right hand,
  On the great throne of heaven;
And all that is in being is
  Under his authority.

He is there interceding for us,
  On the basis of his costly sacrifice;
To him be acclaim, and praise, and renown,
  From all the tribes of the world.

Crist ascended to the heaven of heaven,
  To intercede for the weak:
My own soul too shall rise,
 To his bosom in a while.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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