Ein deddfwr Duw nid dim ond da a bair

(Duw yn Benarglwydd da)
Ein deddfwr, Duw,
    nid dim ond da a bair;
Holl lu y nef
    yn llon a wnant ei air:
  Ardderchog lu!
      ni thorant byth mo'i arch;
  Fel hyn trwy'r byd
      ei 'wyllys fo mewn parch.

Arfaethau Duw
    ynt uniawn, doeth, a da;
Ei gynghor saif,
    a'i holl ewyllys wna:
  O oes i oes,
      meddyliau calon Iôr
  Sydd lawer trech
      na chedyrn dònau'r môr.

Fy enaid, câr
    arfaethau gras di-drai;
Ewyllys Nêr
    roes Iesu dros dy fai:
  O'i fwriad ef
      mae'r clwyf lle mae dy nyth,
  A'th fwriad di
      o aros yno byth.

Os trefnodd siomi
    dy amcanion hoff,
Ac i ti fyn'd
    i'r bywyd mwy yn gloff,
  Na chwyna ddim;
      yr un Penarglwydd yw
  A drefnodd i ti
      gwrdd âg ef, a byw.

"Dy farn ni ŵyraf,"
    medd fy Nefol Dad;
"Gweinyddaf i ti
    fwy na'r byd yn rhad:
  Dan bob rhyw loes,
      gwrandawaf ar dy gri,
  Cyfranog fyddi
      o'm sancteiddrwydd i.

"Oni wna Barnydd
    yr holl ddaear farn?"
Y pryfyn dyn
    ni wêl o'm gwaith ond darn:
  Duw doeth nid all,
      Duw da ni wna, un cam;
  Fe ddengys ei
      holl lwybrau yn ddinam.

Ymgrymaf mwy,
    dan holl flinderau'r llawr,
I'r hwn a eistedd
    byth yn Frenin mawr:
  Ni flinodd neb
      o'i fodd er
          dechreu'r byd;
  Mae'n dwyn ei blant
      o'u poeni'r Ganaan glyd.

Ewyllys Iôn
     a caffo mwy fy nghlod;
Pan ddelo drwg,
     pan fyddo da heb ddod,
  Fy nghân gaiff fod,
      Yr Arglwydd, ef sydd Dduw;
  Rhued y storm,
      fy Nhad sydd wrth y llyw.
David Charles 1803-80

Tonau []:
    Coburg (alaw Ellmynig)
    Clod (Hen Garol Gymraeg)

(God a good Supreme Lord)
Our judge, God,
    shall be only ever good;
All the host of heaven
    cheerfully do his word:
  An excellent host!
      they never break his command;
  Thus throughout the world
      be his will in revenrence.

The schemes of God
    are upright, wise, and good;
His counsel stands,
    and all his will shall do:
  From age to age,
      the thoughts of the Lord's heart
  Are far mightier
      than the strong waves of the sea.

My soul, love
    the unebbing purposes of grace;
The will of the Lord
    that Jesus fulfilled for thy fault:
  Of his intention
    is the wound where thy nest is,
  And thy intention
    of staying there forever.

If he arranged to disappoint
    thy fond ambitions,
And for thee to go
    into life more lame,
  Do not complain at all;
      the same supreme Lord he is
  Who arranged for thee
      to meet with him and live.

"Thy judgment I will not pervert,"
    says my Heavenly Father;
"I will adminster for thee
    more than the world freely:
  Under every kind of anguish,
    I will listen to thy cry,
  A partaker thou shalt be
      of my holiness.
"Shall not the Judge
    of the whole earth judge?"
The worm man
    shall only see a piece of my work:
  A wise God cannot,
      A good God will not, one step;
  He will show all
      his paths faultlessly.

I will bow evermore,
    under all the griefs of the earth,
To him who sits
    forever as a great King:
  He never grieved anyone
      voluntarily since the
          beginning of the world;
  He is leading his children
      from their pain to the secure Canaan.

The Master's will
    shall get evermore my praise;
When evil comes,
    when good does not come,
  My song shall get to be,
      The Lord, he is God;
  Let the storm roar,
      my Father is at the helm.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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