Ein Duw/Tad sydd ysbryd pur

(Ysprydolrwydd Duw)
1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,3,4.
Ein Duw sydd ysbryd pur,
  Llwyr anweledig yw;
Er hyny ynddo Ef mae pawb
  Yn symud, bod, a byw.

Geill eilun-garwyr wneyd
  Cyff'lybrwydd Duw di-rin;
Ond pa gyff'lybrwydd wneir i'r Hwn
  Na welodd llygad dyn?

Fy ysbryd egwan, ffo
  At Dad 'r ysbrydoedd holl;
Cai yma fodd
    i loni'th fryd,
  Pe'r elai'r byd ar goll.

Mewn purdeb mola byth,
  Dyrchafa glodydd llawn;
Mewn ysbryd a gwirionedd mae
  Addoli'r Tad yn iawn.

Cael f'ysbryd at dy waith,
  Fy Nuw, ymdrechu wyf;
Trwy hyn, i ti bydd cyfiawn glod,
  I mi iachād o'm clwyf.

Pan ddelwyf mewn i fysg
  Ysbrydion Canaan wčn,
Ysbrydol fawl i'm
    Prynwr ro'f,
  Tra par'o dyddiau'r nen.
loni :: lanw
Pe'r elai :: Pe elai
            - - - - -

Ein Tad sydd ysbryd pur,
  Llwyr anweledig yw;
Digymar yn ei hanfod glān,
  Heb fesur, llun, na lliw.
Geill eilungarwyr wneyd
  Gyff'lywbrwydd duw dirīn;
Ond pa gyff'lybrwydd wneir i'r Hwn
  Na welodd llygad dyn?
Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Henley (<1824)
  Mansfield (<1824)
  Peckham (<1824)

[Mesur: MBD 6686D]

(The spiritual nature of God)
Our God is pure spirit,
  Wholly invisible is he;
Despite this, in Him are everyone
  Moving, being, and living.

An idol-maker can make
  The likeness of a worthless god
But what likeness is to be made of Him
  Whom the eye of man has not seen?

My weak spirit, flee
  To the Father of all the spirits!
Thou wilt get here a means
    to cheer thy mind,
  Should the world go to ruin.

In purity I shall praise forever,
  I shall raise full praises;
In spirit and truth is
  The worshipping of the Father aright.

To get my spirit to thy work,
  My God, I will endeavour,
Thereby, to thee shall be rightful acclaim,
  To me the healing of my disease.

When I come in amongst
  The spirits of blessed Canaan,
Spiritual praise to my
    Redeemer I will give,
  While the days of heaven endure.
cheer :: flood
                 - - - - -

Our Father who is a pure spirit,
  Completely invisible he is;
Incomparable in his holy essence,
  Without measure, form, or colour.
An idol-maker may make
  The likeness of a worthless god;
But what likeness can be made of Him
  That the eye of man never saw?
tr. 2015,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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