Ein Harglwydd ni clodforwch

SALM CV. 1-8.
  Ein Harglwydd ni clodforwch,
  Ac ar ei enw gelwch;
Ei wyrthiau Ef a llawen floedd
  Ymysg y bobloedd traethwch;

  O! dewch a chenwch iddo,
  A gorfoleddwch ynddo;
Ymlawenyched pob rhyw ddyn
  O galon sy'n ei geisio.

  Am Dduw a'i nerth gofynnwch,
  A gwedd ei ŵyneb ceisiwch,
Y rhyfeddodau i ni a wnaeth,
  A'i farnedigaeth cofiwch;

  Trwy'r ddaear aeth yn ddiau,
  Sôn am ei uniawn farnau,
A cheidw o'i gyfamod go'
  I fil o genedlaethau.

Hugh Jones (Hugh Myfyr) 1845-91

Tonau [7787D]:
Maes y berllan (James Mills 1790-1844)
Hosanna (David Evans 1874-1948)
St Andrew (<1905)
Triumphant (<1905)

Psalm 105:1-8
  Praise our Lord,
  And call upon his name;
His miracles with a joyful shout
  Amongst the peoples expound;

  O! come and sing to him,
  And be jubilant in him;
Let every kind of person take delight
  From a heart which seeks him.

  For God and his strength ask,
  And the countenance of his face seek,
The wonders for us which he has done,
  And his judgement remember;

  Through the earth went doubtless,
  Mention of his upright judgments,
And he will keep his covenant in memory
  To a thousand generations.

tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion
1 O render thanks, and bless the Lord; 
    invoke his sacred Name;
  Acquaint the nations with his deeds, 
    his matchless deeds proclaim.
2 Sing to his praise, in lofty hymns
    his wondrous works rehearse;
  Make them the theme of your discourse,
    and subject of your verse.
3 Rejoice in his Almighty Name,
    alone to be adored;
  And let their heart o'erflow with joy
    that humbly seek the Lord.
4 Seek ye the Lord, his saving strength
    devoutly still implore;
  And, where he's ever present, seek
    his face for evermore.
5 The wonders that his hands have wrought 
    keep thankfully in mind;
  The righteous statutes of his mouth,
    and laws to us assigned.
6 Know ye, his servant Abr'am's seed,
     and Jacob's chosen race;
7 He's still our God, his judgments still
     throughout the earth take place.
8 His cov'nant he hath kept in mind
    for num'rous ages past;
  Which yet for thousand ages more
    in equal force shall last.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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