Ein nefol Dad o galon lawn

Ein nefol Dad, o galon lawn
Diolchwn ni am bob rhyw ddawn,
  Am roddion dy ddeheulaw gref
  Ar fwrdd rhagluniaeth fawr y nef;
Ein nefol Dad, bendithi ni,
Dy blant, a'th
    roddion rhad di-ri'.

Fe borthi di yr adar to,
A phob anifail yn y fro,
  Mae defaid mân y mynydd mawr
  O dan dy ofal di bob awr;
Ein nefol Dad, bendithi ni,
Dy blant, a'th
    roddion rhad di-ri'.

Bedithi di yr aeddfed rawn,
A chnwd y mae a'r effa lawn,
  Ac erwau oer y ddaear hen
  A weddnewidir dan dy wên;
Ein nefol Dad, bendithi ni,
Dy blant, a'th
    roddion rhad di-ri'.

Ein nefol Dad, ein diolch-gân
A seiniwn yn yr Eglwys lân,
  Bendithiwn dy ragluniaeth wiw,
  A chofiwn hi wrth allor Duw;
Ein nefol Dad, bendithi ni,
Am arlwy cariad
    Un yn Dri.
David Lewis (Ap Ceredigion) 1870-1948

Tôn [88.88.88]: Surrey (Henry Carey 1687-1743)

(Harvest Thanksgiving)
Our heavenly Father, from a full heart,
We give thanks for every kind of talent,
  For the gifts of thy strong right hand
  On the table of heaven's great provision;
Our heavenly Father, bless us,
Thy children, with thy
    innumerable free gifts.

Thou dost feed the sparrows,
And every animal in the vale,
  The small sheep of the great mountain are
  Under thy care every hour;
Our heavenly Father, bless us,
Thy children, with thy
    innumerable free gifts.

Thou dost bless the mature grain,
And the crop which has a full ephah,
  And the cold acres of the old earth
  Transformed under thy smile;
Our heavenly Father, bless us,
Thy children, with thy
    innumerable free gifts.

Our heavenly Father, our thanksgiving-song
We sound in the holy Church,
  We bless thy worthy provision,
  And remember it on the altar of God;
Our heavenly Father, bless us,
For the supply of the love
    of the Three in One.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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