Eneidiau ofnus dewch

Ye slaves of sin and hell

(Blwyddyn Jubili)
  Eneidiau ofnus, dewch,
    Yn rhwydd at Iesu Grist;
  Amheuon, ymaith ffoch -
    Daeth cysur i'r rhai trist;
Blwyddyn y Jiwbili a ddaeth
 rhyddid cu i enaid caeth.

  Cymerwch feddiant rhad
    O'ch etifeddiaeth fawr;
  O! dewch i d# eich Tad,
    Gan lawenychu'n awr;
Blwyddyn y Jiwbili a ddaeth
 rhyddid cu i enaid caeth.

  Datseinied gras ein Duw
    Trwy holl derfynau'r byd,
  A doed ei deyrnas wiw
    Dros gyrrau hwn i gyd;
Daeth blwyddyn fawr y Jiwbili,
Clodfored pawb ein Harglwydd ni.
cyf. Benjamin Francis Horsley 1734-99

Tôn [666688]: Alun (J A Lloyd 1815-74)

gwelir: Udgenwch/Utgenwch weision Duw

(The Year of Jubilee)
  Ye fearful souls, come,
    Freely to Jesus Christ;
  Ye doubts, flee away -
    Comfort has come to the sad ones;
The year of the Jubilee has brought
Dear freedom to a captive soul.

  Take free possession
    Of your great inheritance;
  Oh, come ye to your Father's house,
    While rejoicing now;
The year of the Jubilee has brought
Dear freedom to a captive soul.

  Let the grace of our God resound
    Through all the ends of the world,
  And let his worthy kingdom come
    Across all the corners of the same;
The great year of the Jubilee has come,
Let everyone extol our Lord!
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
  Ye slaves of sin and hell,
    Your liberty receive,
  And safe in Jesus dwell,
    And blest in Jesus live:
The year of jubilee is come!
Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.

  Ye who have sold for naught
    Your heritage above
  Shall have it back unbought,
    The gift of Jesus' love:
The year of jubilee is come!
Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.

  The Gospel trumpet hear,
    The news of heavenly grace;
  And saved from earth, appear
    Before your Saviour's face:
The year of jubilee is come!
Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.
Charles Wesley 1707-88

from: Blow ye the trumpet blow

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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