1,2,(3),4. Eneidiau gostyngedig de'wch, Ac at eich tirion Dduw nesewch, A melys glôd a newydd gân; Cyhoeddwch ei rinweddau maith, Moliennwch ef mewn nefol iaith, A sain tafodau fawr a mân. Rhyfedd mor fawr oedd cariad Duw, I ddynion gwael colledig ryw! Ei anwyl Fab anfonodd ef, I ddiode' dyrnod angau du, Mewn chwerw boen a chur y bu, Er mwyn i ni feddianu'r nef. De'wch atto bechaduriaid gwael, Iachâd i'ch clwyfau gellwch gael; A chysur mewn cyfyngder prudd: Ar Grist eich Ceidwad cadarn yw, Rho'wch bwys a chred tra byddoch byw, A'ch enaid marw, byth ni bydd. Ein henaid gwael, O Arglwydd cu, Trwy ras yn ewyllysgar sy', I dderbyn dy fendithion rhâd: Clodforwn fyth yr Iesu gwiw, Bu farw gynt i ni gael byw, A rho'wn gyttunol fawl i'r Tâd. - - - - - Eneidiau gostyngedig, dewch, Ac at eich tirion Dduw nesewch, A newydd gerdd a melus gân: Mynegwch ei rinweddau i maes Clodforwch ei ddiderfyn ras A sain tafodau fawr a mân. Rhyfedd mor fawr oedd cariad Duw At ddynion gwael, colledig ryw! Anfonai'i anwyl Fab i'r byd! Rhoi iddynt fywyd a rhyddhad Trwy golli drostynt hwy ei waed Er haeddi bod byth dan ei lid. Nid arfau dial, Iesu mwyn, Oedd genyt yn dy law yn ddwyn, I gyfiawn gospi dynolryw: Ond rhad drugaredd oedd i gyd Yn llywodraethu ar y pryd Daeth i ni iechydwriaeth wiw.cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77 [Mesur: 888D] |
Humbled souls, come ye, And to your tender God draw near, With sweet acclaim and a new song; Publish his vast merits, Praise him in a heavenly language, And the sound of tongues great and small. A wonder so great was the love of God, To base men of a lost kind! His dear Son he sent, To suffer the blow of black death, In bitter pain and a beating that was, In order for us to possess heaven. Come to him, ye base sinners, Healing for your wounds ye can get; And comfort in sad straits: On Christ who is your firm Saviour, Lean and believe while ever ye live, And your souls shall never die. Our base souls, O dear Lord, Through grace are willing, To receive thy free blessings: Let us extol forever the worthy Jesus, Who once died for us to get to live, And let us give united praise to the Father. - - - - - Humbled souls, come ye, And to your tender God draw near, With new music and a sweet song: Express his merits publicly Extol his unending grace With the sound of tongues great and small. Wonderful how great was the love of God Towards base men, a lost kind! He would send his dear Son to the world! To give to them life and freedom Through shedding for them his blood Although deserving to be forever under his wrath. Not the weapons of vengeance, gentle Jesus, Wast thou bearing in thy hand, Righteously to punish humankind: But free mercy was altogether Governing at the time Worthy salvation came to us.tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |
Ye holy souls in God rejoice, Your maker's praise becomes your voice; Great is your theme, your songs be new: Sing of His name, His Word, His ways, His works of nature and of grace, How wise and holy, just and true! - - - - - Ye holy souls in God rejoice, Your maker's praise becomes your voice; Great is your theme, your songs be new: Sing of His name, His Word, His ways, His works of nature and of grace, How wise and holy, just and true!Isaac Watts 1674-1748