Engyl nef o gylch yr orsedd

(Ti, Dduw, a Folant.)
Engyl nef o gylch yr orsedd
  A'th folant Di.
Rhônt y parch, y clod a'r mawredd
  Byth, byth i Ti.
Twysogaethau, awdurdodau,
Fil o filoedd, myrdd myrddiynau,
Seiniant fawl trwy'r uchelderau
  Byth, byth i Ti.

Patriarchiaid o un galon
  A'th folant Di;
Sanctaidd gôr yr Apostolion
  A'th folant Di;
Clodus nifer y proffwydi
Ac ardderchog lu'r merthyri,
Ar delynau gwlad goleuni,
  A'th folant Di.
[Patriarchiaid a prophwydi
   A'th folant Di;
 Ar delynau gwlad goleuni,
   Y'th folant Di;
 Efengylwyr, apostolion,
 Ac ardderchog lu'r merthyron,
 O un genau, ac un galon,
   Y'th folant Di.]
Mawl a'th erys Di yn Seion
  O oes i oes,
Yng nghynlleidfa'r gwaredigion,
  O oes i oes:
Mawl i Ti, Dduw Dad tragywydd,
I'r Un Mab, y Sanct Waredydd,
I'r Glân Ysbryd, y Diddanydd,
  O oes i oes.

[Mawl a'th erys Di yn Sïon
   O oes i oes,
 Yng nghymanfa'r gwaredigion
   O oes i oes:
 Mawl i Ti, y Dduw anfeidrol,
 Tad a Mab, ac Ysbryd nefol,
 Cyd-sylweddol, cyd-dragwyddol,
   O oes i oes.]
A'th folant Di :: A'th fawl dydi
Clodus :: Clodfawr
Ac ardderchog lu'r :: Byddin gannaid y

William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tonau [8484.8884]:
Ar hyd y nos (alaw Gymreig)
Cefnbrith (D W Lewis 1845-1920)
Nutfield (W H Monk 1823-89)
Temple (E J Hopkins 1818-1901)
Wynnstay (J A Lloyd 1815-74)

(Thee, O God, they Praise)
The angels of heaven around the throne
  Praise Thee.
They render reverence, acclaim and majesty
  Forever and ever to Thee.
Princes, authorities,
A thousand thousands, a myriad myriads,
Sound praise through the heights
  Forever and ever to Thee.

Patriarchs of one heart
  Praise Thee;
The holy choir of the Apostles
  Praise Thee;
The esteemed number of the prophets
And the excellent host of the martyrs,
On harps of the land of light,
  Praise Thee.

[Patriarchs and prophets
   Praise Thee;
 On the harps of the land of light,
   They praise Thee;
 Evangelists, apostles,
 And the excellent host of martyrs,
 From one mouth, and one heart,
   They praise Thee.]

Praise awaits Thee in Zion
  From age to age,
In the congregation of the delivered,
  From age to age:
Praise to Thee, Father God eternal,
To the Son, the Holy Deliverer,
To the Holy Spirit, the Comforter,
  From age to age.

[Praise awaits Thee in Zion
   From age to age,
 In the congregation of the delivered,
   From age to age:
 Praise to Thee, the immeasurable God,
 Father and Son, and heavenly Spirit,
 Co-substantial, co-eternal,
   From age to age.]
And the excellent host of the :: The shining army of the

tr. 2011,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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