Er grym y stormydd sydd Yn curo f'enaid gwan, Mi ddof yn ngafael ffydd O'r tonnau'n iach i'r lan: Mae torf fu'n eiddil fel myfi Yn canu'n awr yn Salem fry. Â'm pwys ar air fy Nuw Mi af trwy ddŵr a thân; 'Does rhwystyr o un rhyw All sefyll fyth o'm blaen: Mae buddugoliaeth lawn ryw ddydd Yn aros pawb o deulu ffydd.Thomas Rees 1815-55 Tôn [666688]: Canaan (alaw Gymreig) |
Despite the force of the storm which is Beating my weak soul, I will com in the grip of faith Whole up from the waves: The throng who were feeble like me are Singing now in Salem above. Leaning on the word of my God I will go through water and fire; There is no obstacle of any kind That can ever stand before me: There is full victory some day Awaiting everyone of the family of 2017 Richard B Gillion |