Er tywallt môr o waed

(Dyoddefaint Crist)
Er tywallt môr o waed,
  Trwy hwn ni chaed maddeuant,
Aneirif ebyrth llesg eu rhyw,
  Rhy eiddil yw eu haeddiant.

Ond, wele ar y groes,
  Yr Hwn a ro'es foddlondeb!
Trwy briod aberth Crist ei hun,
  Daeth Duw a dyn mewn undeb.

Mewn ing a gwaedlyd chwys,
  Bu'n gogoneddus Geidwad;
Ond ni ddiffoddodd angeu llym
  Dragwyddol rym ei gariad.

O'i brynedigion oll,
  Yr un ni chyfrgollir;
Er sychu'r môr, er llosgi'r byd,
  Y rhai'n i gyd a gedwir.
Trwy hwn :: Trwy hyn

Robert Williams (Robert ab Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850

Tonau [MBC 6787]:
Glasfryn (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Tetton (<1875)

Cyflawnodd Crist y ddeddf
Er wylo dan fy nghlwy'
Mewn ing a gwaedlyd chwys

(The suffering of Christ)
Despite the shedding of a sea of blood,
  Through this forgiveness is not obtained,
Innumerable sacrifices of a weak kind,
  Are too feeble in their merit.

But, see on the cross,
  Him who gave satisfaction!
Through the befitting sacrifice of Christ himself,
  God and man came into union.

In anguish and bloody sweat
  He was a glorious Saviour;
But sharp death has not extinguished
  The eternal force of his love.

From all of his redeemed,
  Not one will be lost;
Though the sea dry, though the world burn,
  All these will be saved.

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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