Er wylo dan fy nghlwy'

(Yr Aberth Gwell)
Er wylo dan fy nghlwy',
  Mae gras sydd fwy yn barod;
I ran pechadur daeth rhyw stôr
  O ras, fel môr diwaelod.

Mewn ing a gwaedlyd chwŷs,
  Bu'n gogoneddus Geidwad;
Ond ni ddiffoddodd angeu llym
  Dragwyddol rym Ei gariad.

Fy enaid cân yn awr,
  Mae'r ffynnon fawr yn tarddu
Yn afon loyw lawn o hedd,
  O'r orsedd, drwy groes Iesu.

Marwolaeth Iesu glân,
  Yw testun cân duwolion:
Y gwaed dywalltwyd dros y byd
  A'n gwna i gyd yn wynion.

Ac am Ei angau Ef,
  Dyrchafa nef y nefoedd,
O galon bur, ar ddwyfol dant,
  Ogoniant yn oes oesoedd.
Anadnabyddus (Y Caniedydd Cynulleidfaol 1895)

Tôn [MBC 6787]: Gwalchmai (J A Lloyd 1815-74)

    Cyflawnodd Crist y ddeddf
    Er tywallt môr o waed
    Mewn ing a gwaedlyd chwys

(The Better Sacrifice)
Despite weeping under my wound,
  There is already more grace;
To the lot of a sinner came some store
  Of grace, like a bottomless sea.

In anguish and bloody sweat
  There was a glorious Saviour;
But sharp death has not extinguished
  The eternal force of his love.

My soul sing now,
  The great well is springing
As a glowing river full of peace,
  From the throne, through the cross of Jesus.

The death of holy Jesus,
  Is the theme of the song of the godly:
The blood shed for the world
  Will make us all white.

And about His death,
  Raise to highest heaven,
From a pure heart, on a divine string,
  Glory forever and ever.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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