Esgynnodd Crist i ganol nef

(Emyn Dyrchafael)
Esgynnodd Crist i ganol nef,
Eisteddodd ar Ei orsedd gref,
  Gorphennodd Ei ddaearol daith -
  Cyfiawnder wênodd ar Ei waith.

Ei aberth mawr, digonol yw
Dros holl bechodau dynol ryw;
  Un offrwm ddug dragwyddol fraint -
  Perffeithiodd Ei anwylaf saint.

Eisteddodd ar ddeheulaw Duw
I ddisgwyl am Ei deyrnas wiw -
  Am Eglwys lân drwy
      rîn Ei waed,
  A'i holl elynion wrth Ei draed.

O! Dduw, rho inni yn yr ŵyl,
Ddyrchafu Crist â sanctaidd hwyl;
  A'n bywyd fo,
      fel mawl y nef,
  Yn fywyd o'i ddyrchafu Ef.
T Dennis Jones -1904

Tonau [MH 8888]:
    Angels' Hymn (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1624)
    Winchester New (B Crasselius 1667-1724)

(Exaltation Hymn)
Christ ascended to the centre of heaven,
He sat on His strong throne,
  He finished His earthly journey -
  Righteousness smiled upon His work.

His great sacrifice, sufficient is
For all the sins of human kind;
  One offering brings an eternal privilege -
  He perfected His most beloved saints.

He sat at the right hand of God
To wait for His worthy kingdom -
  For a holy Church through
      the virtue of his blood,
  And all his enemies at His feet.

O God, grant us in the festival,
To exalt Christ with a holy mood;
  And our life be,
      like the praise of heaven,
  A life of exalting Him.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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