Esgyn, f'enaid, i ben Pisgah, Gwel dy ffordd drwy gywir ffydd, Cymer ddrych o'r fath eglura', Dewis deg oleuni'r dydd; Gwel oddiyno Hardd gyffiniau'r Ganaan gu! Per arogla' i meusydd gwyrddion, Gan anfarwol flodau hardd, Ffrwythau iachus a melusion, Gesglir yno'n ddiwahardd; Pren y bywyd, Dros y fro a leda'i frig. O! mor ddedwydd ei thrigolion, Sy'n cydrodio gyda'r Oen, Oll yn gwisgo gynau gwynion, Yn ddibechod, yn ddiboen! Gorfoleddu, Yn dragywydd yw eu gwaith. - - - - - F'enaid esgyn i ben Pisga, Yn dy ffordd ar aden ffydd, Cymer ddrŷch o'r fath eglura, Dewis dêg oleuni'r dydd: Gwel oddi yno Hardd gyffiniau'r Ganaan gu. O mor wynion yw ei brynniau, Gan y goleu sy' yno i'w gael! Hyfryd odiaeth yw ei ffrydiau Byth yn rhoi eu bendith hael! Llifa'r Ganaan, Hoff ei gwedd, gan laeth a gwîn. Pêr arogla'i meusydd gleision, Gan anfarwol flodau hardd; Ffrwythau iachus a melusion, Gesglir yno'n ddiwahardd; Pren y bywyd, Dros y fro a leda ei frîg. Ei aneirif gu thrigolion A gyd-rodiant gyd a'r Oen, Oll yn gwisgo'u gynau gwynnion, Yn ddi-bechod, yn ddi-boen: Gorfoleddu Yn drag'wyddol yw eu gwaith. O am groesi'r ddu Iorddonen, I feddianu'r hyfryd wlad! O fy Mhrynwr anwyl, arwain Finneu i dŷ fy nefol Dâd: Dwg fi adre; O'r anialwch erchyll hwn.Benjamin Francis 1734-99 Tôn [878747]: Pisgah (W H Havergal 1793-1870) |
Ascend, my soul, to the summit of Pisgah, See thy way through correct faith, Take a looking-glass of the sort that makes clear, Choose the fair light of day; See from there The beautiful borders of the dear Canaan! The sweet perfumes of its green fields, From beautiful, immortal flowers, Healthy and sweet fruits, Are to be gathered there unhindered; The tree of life, Across the vale shall spread its canopy. O how happy its inhabitants! Who are walking together with the Lamb, All wearing white gowns, Sinlessly, painlessly! To exult, Eternally is their work. - - - - - Ascend, my soul, to the summit of Pisgah, In thy way on the wings of faith, Take a looking-glass of the sort the makes clear, Choose the fair light of day: See from there The beautiful borders of the dear Canaan. O how bright are her hills, From the light that is there to be found! Exquisitely delightful are her streams Forever giving their generous blessing! Canaan flows, Lovely her condition, with milk and wine. Sweetly smell her green fields, From beautiful immortal flowers; Health-giving and sweet fruits, Are gathered there without exception; The tree of life, Across the vale spreads its canopy. Her innumerable residents Walk together with the Lamb, All wearing their white robes, Sin-free, pain-free! Rejoicing Eternally is their work. O to cross the black Jordan, To possess the delightful land! O my beloved Redeemer, lead Me also to my heavenly Father's house: Lead me home; From this terrible desert. |