Fe dalodd Iesu'n dyled fawr

(Dileu yr Ysgrifen-law)
Fe dalodd Iesu'n dyled fawr
  Wrth oddef angeu loes,
'R ysgrifen oedd i'n herbyn ni
  A hoeliodd wrth y Groes.

Ac yna fe orchfygodd rym
  Galluoedd uffern ddu!
Agorodd drws i minau, 'r gwael,
  I ganu gyda'r llu.

[Ac yna fe orchfygodd rym
   Galluoedd uffern ddu,
 A'i goncwest droes
     yn destun cān
   I ryw aneirif lu.]

Mae sŵn morthwylion
    Iesu mawr
  Ar furiau Salem bur,
Yn trwsio'n rhad eneidiau lu,
  Mewn diffaith anial dir.

O'r graig fe naddwyd allan fyrdd
  O feini geirwon iawn,
Fe'u dygir i'r adeilad fry
  Cyd bydd y gwaith yn llawn.
oddef angeu :: ddioddef angau
'R ysgrifen :: Y 'sgrifen
bydd :: bod

Christmas Evans 1766-1838
[diw. Y Llawlyfr Moliant Newydd 1956]

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Reudsburg (alaw Almaenig)
Weimar (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(Deleting the Handwriting)
Jesus paid our great debt
  By suffering the throes of death,
The writing that was against us
  He nailed to the Cross.

And there he overcame the force
  Of the powers of black hell!
He opened a door for me, the wretch,
  To sing with the throng.

[And there he overcame the force
   Of the powers of black hell,
 And his conquest turned into
     the theme of a song
   For some innumerable throng.]

There is the sound of the
    hammers of great Jesus
  On the walls of pure Salem,
Mending freely a host of souls,
  In a desolate desert land.

From the rock are hewn out roads
  From very rough stones,
They will be led to the building above
  Before the work is complete.

tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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