Fe dderfydd sôn am ryfel

(Cystudd a galar a ffy ymaith)
Fe dderfydd sôn am ryfel,
  Fe dderfydd cario'r groes,
Fe dderfydd dyddiau galar,
  Fe dderfydd tywyll nos,
Fe dderfydd temtasiynau,
  Fe dderfydd dyddiau gwae,
Fe dderfydd tywallt dagrau,
  Daw amser llawenhau!

Fe dderfydd calon galed,
  Fe dderfydd pechod câs;
Daw Jubil fawr o ryddid,
  I etifeddion gras:
Fe dderfydd pob gofidiau,
  De dderfydd haint a phoen;
Daw'r dydd bydd
    peraidd ganu,
  Am gongcwest gwaed yr Oen.

Fe dderfydd anghrediniaeth,
  Ac ofnau, yn y man;
Fe dderfydd 'stwr a 'stormydd,
  Sy'n curo f'enaid gwan;
Fe dderfydd pob caethiwed,
  Ac ysbryd culni câs;
Fe dderfydd gau bartiaeth,
  Yn frenin gwelir grâs.

O wynfydedig foreu,
  Braf amser, pryd y daw;
Hiraethu b'wy' am dano,
  Gobeithio ei fod gerllaw;
Cael cyflawn fuddugoliaeth
  Ar lygredigaeth câs,
A diangc o'r gofidau,
  A'r holl gadwynau ma's.
Jenkin Lewis 1760-1831
Casgliad o Bum Cant o Hymnau (D Jones) 1810

Tonau [7676D]:
Corwen (W Williams [Northyn] 1822-1911)
Pwllheli (John Francis 1789-1834)

gwelir: 'R wyf yma dan y tonnau

(Tribulation and mourning shall flee away)
Mention of war shall vanish,
  Carrying the cross shall vanish,
Days of mourning shall vanish,
  Dark night shall vanish,
Temptations shall vanish,
  Days of woe shall vanish,
The flowing of tears shall vanish,
  The time of rejoicing shall come!

A hard heart shall vanish,
  Detestable sin shall vanish;
The great Jubilee of freedom comes,
  To the heirs of grace:
All griefs shall vanish,
  Disease and pain shall vanish;
The day comes when there shall be
    sweet singing,
  About the conquest of the Lamb's blood.

Unbelief and fears
  Shall vanish soon;
Disturbance and storms shall vanish,
  Which beat my weak soul;
Every captivity shall vanish,
  And spirit of detestable restriction;
False party spirit shall vanish,
  Grace is to be seen as king.

O blessed morning,
  A good time, when it comes;
Longing I am for it,
  Hoping that it is at hand;
To get full victory
  Over detestable corruption,
And escape from the griefs,
  And out from all the chains.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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