Fe ddwedwyd llawer am yr Oen

(Crist Uwchlaw pob Moliant)
Fe ddwedwyd llawer am yr Oen,
  Ond llai na digon eto;
Gwaith yw moliannu'r Oen di-lyth
  Na dderfydd byth mohono.

Mae'n uwch na moliant dynion oll,
  A hwythau'r holl angylion;
Ar ôl canmoliaeth rhwydd pob rhai,
  Bydd eto lai na digon.

'R ôl treulio oesoedd rif y gwlith
  O fewn i'r ddilyth Seion,
Yn rhoi'r perffethiaf fawl i'r Oen,
  Byth ni bydd sôn am ddigon.

Clodfored pawb Dywysog nen,
  Byth ar ei ben bo'r goron;
Fe dderbyn fawl
    pob didwyll rai,
  Er bod yn llai na digon.
'R ôl treulio :: 'Nol treulio

1,2: David Saunders 1769-1840
3,4: Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Ely (Thomas Turton 1780-1864)
Llangranog (J Parr 1787-1866)
Sabbath/Sab(b)oth (John Williams 1740-1821)
Tonllwyd (M Llewelyn 1835-1906)

(Christ Above all Praise)
Much was said about the Lamb,
  But less than enough yet;
Praising the unfailing Lamb is a work
  Of which there will be no ending.

He is higher than the praise of all men,
  And they than all the angels;
After all free commendation of every one,
  It is still less than enough.

After spending ages numerous as dew
  Within the unfailing Zion,
Giving perfect praise to the Lamb,
  Never will there be mention about enough.

Let everyone acclaim the Prince of heaven,
  Forever on his head be the crown;
He will receive the praise
    of every sincere one,
  Although it is less than enough.

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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