Fe fydd goleu'n y ffenestr i ti gyfaill

There's a light in the window for thee brother

Fe fydd goleu'n y ffenestr
    i ti, gyfaill,
  Fe fydd goleu'n
      y ffenestr i ti;
Un anwyl o'n côr
    aeth adref at Ior,
  A bydd goleu'n
      y ffenestr i ti.

    Gwel balas y nefoedd wen fry,
      Ac mae goleu'n
          y ffenestr i ti;
    Gwel balas y nefoedd wen fry,
      Ac mae goleu'n
          y ffenestr i ti.

'Rol llafur a lludded
    y llawr, gyfaill,
  Cei goron, gwisg,
      palmwydd, a bri,
A'r nefoedd ddilèn
    fydd dy gartref uwchben,
  Gyda goleu'n
      y ffenestr i ti.

Gweddia, a gwylia'n
    barhaus, gyfaill,
  Tra yn hwylio
      ar fywyd-for du;
Os dy gur fydd yn faith
    gan ystormydd y daith,
  Fe fydd goleu'n
      y ffenestr i ti.

Yn mlaen yn galonog,
    yn mlaen, gyfaill
  Try yn fuan bob rhyfel
      o'th du;
Yna engyl y ne'
    a'th hebryngant i dre'
  A bydd goleu'n
      y ffenestr i ti.
cyf. <1897 Thomas Williams (Asaph Glyn Ebwy) 1862-1908

Tôn []:
A Light in the window
    (William Batchelder Bradbury 1816-68)

There will be a light in the window
    for thee, friend,
  There will be a light
      in the window for thee;
A dear one of our chorus
    has gone home to Master,
  And there will be a light
      in the window for thee.

    See the palace of the bright heavens above,
      And there is a light
          in the window for thee;
    See the palace of the bright heavens above,
      And there is a light
          in the window for thee.

After the labour and toil
    of earth, friend,
  Thou shalt get a crown, robes,
      palms, and honour,
And the unveiled heavens
      shall be thy home above,
  With a light
      in the window for thee.

Pray, and watch
    continually, friend,
  While sailing on
      life's black sea;
If thy stroke is great
    from the storms of the journey,
  There will be a light
      in the window for thee.

Forward heartily,
    forward, friend
  Every battle will soon turn
      from thy side;
Then the angels of heaven
      will escort thee home
  And there will be a light
      in the window for thee.
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion
There's a light in the window
    for thee, brother,
  There's a light
      in the window for thee;
A dear one has moved
    to the mansions above,
  There's a light
      in the window for thee.

    A mansion in Heaven we see,
      And a light
          in the window for thee;
    A mansion in Heaven we see,
      And a light
          in the window for thee.

There's a crown, and a robe,
    and a palm, brother,
  When from toil and from care
      you are free;
The Saviour has gone
    to prepare you a home,
  With a light
      in the window for thee.

O watch, and be faithful,
    and pray, brother,
  All your journey o'er
      life's troubled sea,
Tho' afflictions assail you,
    and storms bear severe,
  There's a light
      in the window for thee.

Then on, perseveringly
    on, brother,
  Till from conflict and
      suffering you are free;
Bright angels now beckon you
    over the stream,
  There's a light
      in the window for thee.
1858 Edward Weldon Dunbar 1823-94

Tune []:
A Light in the window
    (William Batchelder Bradbury 1816-68)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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