Fe'm gwnaethpwyd mor ysig, golledig, a llwm, Tan ddyled arwydus, resynus ei swm; Ce's Feddyg i'm clwyfau, ce's Feichiau di-fêth: Fy Arglwydd, o'i wir-fodd, ddarparodd bob peth. Yn hir wrth ddrws dystryw yn byw, ac yn bôd, Arhosais yn hollol annuwiol fy nôd, Gan ymladd fel gelyn, yn erbyn fy Nuw, Yr hwn sydd yn cynnal fy ana'l im' fyw. Mi f'aswn mewn carchar anhygar cyn hyn, Yn nghanol Gehenna, mewn dalfa gaeth dỳn, Pe gall'sai'r hên ddiafol gelynol ddat-gloi, Y ceudwll cauedig, o'm rhyfig, i'm rhoi. Gan Iesu mae'r allwedd; ond rhyfedd y tro! Mae hen wlâd y flamau, tỳn g'lymau, tan glo; A dyna'r holl achos, hawdd dangos, bob dydd, Fy mod yma etto yn rhodio'n ŵr rhŷdd. Mae allwedd fy mywyd a'm hysbryd yn mhell; Fe gollodd fy lleiddiad agoriad ei gell: Mae uffern, mae angeu, tan glöau mor glwm, Nis gallant am hyny mo'm drygu'n rhy drwm. Bydd rhyfedd fy ngweled, er ised yr e's, O achos y codwm tra gorthrwm a ge's. O gyrredd pob peryg', yn debyg i'm Duw, Yn nghanol y nefoedd, am bythoedd yn byw. Bydd rhyfedd fy nghanfod, ryw ddiwrnod a ddaw, Yn mynwes cyfiawnder, heb brudd-der na braw, Tan wenu'n ei wyneb, mewn purdeb, - heb ball, Na dyled, na dolur, na gwewyr, na gwall. Wynebaf bob tywydd, o newydd yn awr; Dyoddefaf bigiadau'r symbylau bob awr; Gorchfygaf elynion, rai chwerwon a châs, Ond profi digonedd o rinwedd dy râs. O, f'enaid, bydd foddlon i'r loesion ar lawr, Cai o'th ddarostyngiad, gyfodiad go fawr, O blith dy elynion, rai hyfion, o hyd, I fysg dy gyfeillion, un galon i gyd.Edward Jones 1761-1836 Hymnau ar Amryw Destynau ac Achosion 1820 [Mesur:] |
I was made so bruised, lost, and naked, Under a horrible debt, of a deplorable amount; I got a Physician for my wounds, I got an unfailing Surety: 'Twas my Lord, of his own free will, Who arranged everything. For long at the door of destruction living, and being, I stayed wholly ungodly my aim, Fighting light an enemy, against my God, Him who is upholding my breath for me to live. I would be in an unpleasant prison by now, In the centre of Gehenna, in a tight, captive jail, If the old adversarial devil could have unlocked, The closed cavern, from my recklessness, to put me in. Jesus has the key; but the wonder of the turn! The old land of flames tight bonds, under lock; And there is the whole cause, easy to see, every day, That I am still walking as a free man. The key of my life and my spirit is far; My slayer lost the opening of his cell, Hell, death, are under locks so fast, They cannot therefore do me any harm too heavy. It shall be a wonder to see me, although so low I went, Because of the fall so oppressive I got, From the reach of every danger, like my God, In the centre of heaven, forever living. It shall be a wonder to find me, on some day to come, In the bosom of righteousness, without sadness or terror, Under the smiles in his face, in purity, - without corruption, Or debt, or soreness, or spasms, or wrong. I shall face every weather, anew now; I shall suffer the stings of the goads every hour; I shall overcome enemies, those bitter and detestable, Only for to experience sufficiency from the merit of thy grace. O, my soul, be willing for the griefs on earth below, Thou shalt get from thy humbling, a real exaltation, From amongst thy enemies, those haughty, still, To the midst of thy companions, one heart altogether.tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion |