Fe'm siomwyd gan bleserau'r llawr

1,2,3,5,6,11;  1,2,4,(7,(8,9,10)).
(Cyrchu at y nôd)
Fe'm siomwyd gan bleserau'r llawr, 
  Fe'm twyllwyd gan bob un; 
Ffowch bob eilunod, rhois ffarwel 
  I ddaear ac i ddyn. 

Ni throf fy wyneb byth yn ol 
  I 'mofyn pleser gau; 
Ond mi a gerddaf tu a'r wlad 
  Sy a'i phleser i barhau.

Ond my'd tan ganu tu a'r wlad,
  Bwrcaswyd i mi fyw;
A gadael byth y'mhell o'm hol,
  Gystuddiai o bob rhyw.

Mae holl deganau'r ddaear hon,
  Fu gynt yn fawr eu grym,
Yn ngŵydd fy Iesu yn gwywo i gyd,
  Ac yn diflanu'n ddim.

Mae seintiau'n diangc at eu Duw,
  Yn filoedd o fy mlaen;
A mi'n amddifad yma'n byw,
  Ynghanol dw'r a thân.

Ac mi debyga' clywai sŵn,
  Nefolaidd rai o'm blaen;
Wedi concwerio a myned trwy
  Dymhestloedd dw'r a thân.

Y mae aroglau pur ei ras
  Megys aroglau'r nef;
Ac nid oes gymhar
    is yr haul
  Yn unlle iddo Ef.

Mae'n denu'm serch trwy wyntoedd oer
  Yn gyfan ato'i hun;
Ac fe ddiffoddodd bob rhyw chwant
  At ddaear, ac at ddyn.

Y parch a'r enw
    aed o'r bron
  I benefigion byd;
Ond gad fy enaid, Iesu, i gael
  Dy gwmpni gwerthfawr drud.

Fe dorrwyd rhyngof fi a'm chwant,
  Daeth ar fy mhleser drai;
Ond fy hapusrwydd perffaith yw
  Dy garu a'th fwynhau.

O tyred Yspryd sanctaidd pur,
  Nertha 'mlinedig draed;
A rho i mi olwg oleu clir,
  Ar hyfryd dir fy ngwlad.
Fe'm twyllwyd gan bob un :: Fe'm twyllodd bob yr un

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Bath Chapel (<1829)
Brooklyn (W H Havergal 1793-1870)
Dale (Isaac Phillips)
Emmanuel/Ludwig (o Beethoven)
George's (<1835)
St James (R Courteville -1772)
St Peter (A R Reinagle 1799-1877)

  Darfydded dydd darfydded nôs
  Iesu yw tegwch mawr y byd
  Ni throf fy wyneb byth yn ol
  O tyred Ysbryd sanctaidd pur
  Pan byddo f'Arglwydd imi'n rhoi
  Pererin wyf mewn anial dir (Yn crwydro ...)

(Making for the goal)
I am disappointed by the pleasures of earth,
  I am deceived by every one;
Flee ye, every idol, I bade farewell
  To earth and to man.

I will never turn back my face
  To seek empty pleasure;
But I will walk towards the land
  Whose pleasures are to endure.

But go singing towards the land,
  Purposed for me to live;
And leave forever far behind me,
  Afflictions of every kind.

All the trinkets of this earth are,
  Which formerly had great force,
In the face of Jesus all withering,
  And disappearing to nothing.

Saints are safely to their God,
  In thousands before me;
And I destitute here living,
  Amidst water and fire.

And I suppose I could hear the sound,
  Of heavenly ones ahead of me;
Having conquered and gone through
  Tempests of water and fire.

The pure odours of his grace are
  Like the odours of heaven;
And there is nothing comparable
    under the sun
  Anywhere unto Him.

He attracts my affection through cold winds
  Wholly towards him himself;
And every kind of desire extinguished
  Towards earth, and towards man.

May the reverence and the
    name go completely
  To the nobles of the world;
But let my soul, Jesus, get
  Thy precious, dear company.

A separation came between me and my desire,
  An ebbing came upon my pleasure;
But my perfect happiness is
  To love thee and to enjoy thee.

O come, pure holy Spirit,
  Strengthen my exhausted feet;
And give me a view of clear light,
  Over the delightful land of my country.
I am deceived by every one :: Every one deceived me

tr. 2015,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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