erbyn eu henw ac yn eu harwain hwy allan.") Fe'n harweinia'n dyner, Drwy ein hoes o hyd: Ceidw ni'n ofalus Ar y daith i gyd. Fe'n harweinia'n dyner, Ar ein taith drwy'r byd; O mor hyfryd ydyw Dilyn Duw o hyd. Drwy ei Ysbryd santaidd, Tywys ni i'r nef: - Tua'r ddinas euraidd, Lle mae'r saint yn nhref. Gwyn eu byd yr ieuainc Sydd yn ceisio Duw; Cant ei gwmni yma, Cant ei nef i fyw.cyf. Watkin Hezekiah Williams (Watcyn Wyn) 1844-1905
Tôn [6565D]: Tenderly He Leads Us |
name and he leads them out.") He leads us tenderly, Through our lifespan always: He keeps us carefully On all the journey. He leads us tenderly, On our journey through the world; O how delightful it is To follow God always. Through his holy Spirit, He leads us to heaven: - Towards the golden city, Where the saints are at home. Blessed are the young Who are seeking God; They may get his company here, They may get to live in his 2019 Richard B Gillion |
Tenderly he leads us All our days below; Carefully He shows us Every step we go. Tenderly He leads us, Every step we go; Oh, how sweet to trust Him All the way below! Through the Holy Spirit, We are taught the way Upward to His kingdom, Brighter far than day. They who early seek Him With a humble mind, Pardon, life, and comfort Evermore shall find.Frances J Van Alstyne (Fanny Crosby) 1820-1915
Tune [6565D]: Tenderly He Leads Us |