Fel fflamau angherddol o dân

(Cymodi dyn a Duw)
Fel fflamau angherddol o dân
  Yw cariad f'Anwylyd o hyd;
Fe losgodd bob rhwystrau o'i flaen,
  Fe sychodd yr afon i gyd!
Ymaflodd mewn dyn ar y llawr,
  Fe'i dygodd â'r
      Duwdod yn un;
Fe lanwodd y pellder tra mawr,
  Oedd rhyngddynt, â'i haeddiant ei hun.
John Williams (Ioan ab Gwilym) 1728-1806

Tôn [MHD 8888D]: Nebo (<1876)

  Pa feddwl pa 'madrodd pa ddawn
  Pwy feddwl pwy 'madrodd pwy ddawn
  Pwy welaf o Edom yn dod?

(Reconciling man and God)
Like ardent flames of fire
  Is the love of my Beloved always;
He burned all obstacles before him,
  He dried up all the river!
He wrestled in man on the earth below,
  He brought him to be one
      with the Godhead;
He filled the distance so great,
  That was between them, with his own merit.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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