Ffàrwel bellach hen bleserau

(Buddugoliaeth ar Bechod)
Ffàrwel bellach hen bleserau,
Dwyllodd f'ysbryd fil o weithiau;
  'N awr 'r wyf wedi canfod gwynfyd,
  Nad oes ynddo radd o ofid.

Mi ges berl o'r gwerthfawroca',
Nef a daear byth nis prisia;
  Crist yw 'nhrysor, -
      dyna'i sylwedd,
  Nef y nefoedd yn y diwedd.

Fe ddangosodd imi'n olau
Fod fy mhechod wedi'i faddau,
  A bod imi nerth i goncro
  Pob rhyw elyn sy'n fy mlino.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [88.88]:
Antwerp (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
Erin (W Jenkins)
Llantrisant (alaw Gymreig)

  Da na daear byth ni phrisia
  'Nawr 'rwy'n gwel'd yr ardal hyfryd
  O am nerth i garu'r Iesu

(Victory over Sin)
Farewell henceforth old pleasures,
That deceived my spirit a thousand times;
  Now I have found the blessedness,
  That there no degree of fear in.

I got the most precious pearl,
That heaven and earth can never value;
  Christ is my treasure, -
      that is its meaning,
  The heaven of heavens in the end.

It showed to me clearly
That my sins have been forgiven,
  And that I have strength to conquer
  Every kind of enemy that is wearying me.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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