Fy Iesu'n ddirmygedig iawn

(Soniarus fawl y Côr
nefol am angeu'r groes)
Fy Iesu'n ddirmygedig iawn,
  Ddyoddefodd angeu loes;
Ddwyfol lid, digofaint llawn,
  Yn wirion ar y groes:
Ei riddfanau dyfnion ef,
  Ddaeth a'r trueiniaid oll yn rhydd;
Bellach holl ganiadau'r nef,
  Byth am Galfaria fydd.

Bydd torf o angylion
    fry mewn hêdd,
  Cerubiaid pur yn un;
A'r oll Seraphiaid
    hardd eu gwedd,
  Yn canu i Fab y dyn:
A chaniadau fydd y rhai'n,
  Na ddaeth i galon dyn erioed,
Ac sy'n trigo îs y nen,
  I fod eu bath yn bod.

O foreu-ddydd dedwydd iawn,
  Pan ddelo'r dysglaer lu;
O bob cwr i'r ddaear lawn,
  I gwrdd a'u Harglwydd cu:
Derfydd gofid a phob gwae,
  Derfydd temtasiynau maith;
Derfydd pechod mawr ei rwysg,
  A derfydd dyrys daith.

Ac wrth wel'd yn agosâu,
  Fath hyfryd fore wawr;
Un diwrnod goleu clir
  Maith drag'wyddoldeb mawr:
Pa'm nad wyf yn llawen iawn;
  Hyn wy'n mofyn ei fwynâu,
A thyma fref fy enaid gwan,
  Ei wel'd yn agosâu.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805

[Mesur: 7676.7876]

  'Mofyn am orphwysfa wiw
  O foreu-ddydd dedwydd iawn

(The resounding praise of the heavenly
Choir about the death of the cross.)
My greatly scorned Jesus
  Suffered the throes of death,
Divine anger, full wrath,
  Innocently on the cross:
His deep groans
  Brought all the wretches free;
Henceforth all the songs of heaven
  Shall be about Calvary.

There shall be a throng of angels
    above in peace,
  Pure cherubim as one;
And all the seraphim
    of beautiful countenance
  Singing to the Son of man:
And these shall be songs
  That it never came to the heart of man,
And those who dwell below the sky,
  That such existed.

From a very happy morn of day,
  When the shining host come;
From every corner of the full earth,
  To meet with their dear Lord:
Grief and every woe shall perish,
  Vast temptations shall perish;
Sins of great ostentation shall perish,
  And a troublesome journey shall perish.

And on seeing approaching
  Such a delightful morning dawn;
One bright, clear day
  Of a great, vast eternity:
Why am I not very joyful?
  This I am asking to enjoy,
And here is the bleat of my weak soul,
  To see it approaching.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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