Fy Iesu Pen-tywysog nef

("Ei law aswy sydd dan fy mhen.")
Fy Iesu, Pen-tywysog nef,
Nid oes gyffelyb iddo ef;
  Cael huno yn ei gariad drud
  Sydd fil o weithiau'n
      well na'r byd.

Mae ei law aswy fawr ei grym
O dan fy mhen, nid ofnaf ddim;
  Ei ddeheu law sy'n fy mawrhau
  A phob cysuron pur didrai.

Ei bresennoldeb sydd yn dod
I mi â'r pleser mwya' erioed;
  Ei allu mawr a'i gariad drud
  Sydd yn gymdeithion i mi o hyd.

Wel, dyma f'enaid wedi dod
I'r man dymunais
    ganwaith fod,
  I gael mwynhâd o'i gariad ef,
  Arfaethwyd cyn sylfaenu'r nef.

O groesaw! groesaw, nefol rodd,
'Does arall bellach wrth fy modd,
  Ond cael bod yn dy freichiau mwy,
  A chanu am dy farwol glwy'.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Boston (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Lancaster (<1869)

gwelir; Yr Oen a laddwyd ydw rhan

("His left hand is under my head.")
My Jesus, the Chief-prince of heaven,
There is nothing comparable to him;
  To get to sleep in his precious love
  Is a thousand of times
      better than the world.

His left hand of great force is
Under my head, I shall fear nothing;
  His right hand is magnifying me
  With every pure, unebbing comfort.

His presence is bringing
Me the greatest pleasure ever;
  His great power and his precious love
  Are companions for me always.

See, here my soul has come
To the place I desired
    a hundred times to be,
  To get an enjoyment of his love,
  Planned before the founding of heaven.

O welcome! welcome! heavenly gift,
There is nothing further to my delight,
  But to get to be in thy arms evermore,
  And sing about thy mortal wound.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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