Fy llais at Dduw pan roddais lef

1,(2,3,(4,5,6)),7,9a;  1,2,3,5,6,8,9b;  1,3.
(Tristwch a gobaith; neu ymdrech yn erbyn anobaith.)
Fy llais at Dduw, pan roddais lef,
  Fy llais o'r nef fe'i clybu;
A'm llais gweddïais ar Dduw NER,
  Pan oedd blinder yn tarddu.

Y dydd y rhedai 'mriw, a'r nos
  Ni pheidiai achos llafur:
Mewn blin gyfyngder gwn fy mod,
  A'm hoes yn gwrthod cysur.

Yna y cofiwn Dduw a'i glod,
  Pan syrthiai drallod enbyd;
Yna gweddïwn dros fy mai
  Pan derfysgai fy ysbryd.

Cofiwn fy ngherdd y nos fy hun,
  Heb gael amrant-hûn, chwiliwn;
A chalon effro, genau mud,
  A'm hysbryd ymddyddanwn.

"Ai'n dragywydd y cilia'r Iôn?
  A fydd ef boddlon mwyach?
A ddarfu byth
    ei nawdd a'i air,
  A gair ei addaw

Marwolaeth im' yw'r meddwl hwn,
  A throis yn grwn i gofio
Ei fawr nerth gynt; cofio a wnaf
  Waith y Goruchaf etto.

Dy waith, O Dduw, coffâf yn rhwydd,
  A'th wyrthiau hylwydd cofiaf;
Am bob rhyfeddod a phob gwaith,
  A myfyr maith y traethaf.

O Dduw! pa Dduw sydd fel tydi?
  Dy ffordd di sydd sancteiddiol;
Dengys dy waith dy nerth  i'r byd,
  Pâr i ni i gyd dy ganmol.

Dy lwybrau ynt
    mewn moroedd fyrdd,
  A'th ffyrdd mewn dyfroedd mawrion;
Ni adwaenir fyth mo'th ol, fy Nuw,
  Anfeidrol yw d'arwyddion.

[Yn eigion môr
     mae y ffordd dau,
   A'th lwybrau mewn deifr sugnedd;
 Ac nid adwaenir byth mo'th ol,
   Yn dy anfeidrol fawredd.]
derfysgai fy ysbryd :: y terfysgai f'ysbryd

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

priodolwyd gan Casgliad Rowlands 1855
i William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Aberystwyth (<1869)
Henllan (<1835)
Persia (<1869)

gwelir: Ai yn dragywydd cilia'r Iôn?

Psalm 77
(Sadness and hope; or endeavour against hopelessness.)
My voice, to God, when I gave a cry,
  My voice from heaven he heard it;
With my voice I prayed to God the CHIEF,
  When grief was springing up.

By day my bruise would run, and by night
  The cause of labour would not stop:
In the grief of affliction I know I am,
  And my life refusing comfort.

Then I would remember God and to praise him,
  When dangerous trouble would fall;
Then I would pray for my fault
  When my spirit was troubled.

I would remember meeting myself by night,
  Without a wink of sleep, I would search;
With a heart wakeful, a mouth mute,
  With my spirit I would converse.

"Will the Lord retreat forever?
  And will he be pleased any more?
And will his protection
    and his word dwindle forever?
  And the word of his promise
      from henceforth?"

Death to me is this thinking,
  And I turned around to remember
His former great strength; remember I shall
  The work of the Most High again.

Thy work, O God, I will commemorate readily,
  And thy successful miracles I will remember;
On every wonder and every work,
  With an extensive meditation I will expound.

O God, what God is like thee?
  Thy way is holy;
Thy work shows thy strength to the world,
  It causes us all to praise thee.

Thy paths go
    in a myriad seas,
  And thy ways in great waters;
Thy steps are never to be known, my God,
  Immeasurable are thy signs.

[In the oceans of sea
     is thy way,
   And thy paths in waters of suction;
 And thy steps are never to be known,
   In thy immeasurable greatness.]

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

 1 To God I cried, who to my help
     did graciously repair;
 2 In trouble's dismal day I sought
     my God with humble pray'r.

   All night my fest'ring wound did run,
     no med'cine gave relief;
   My soul no comforts would admit,
     my soul indulged her grief.

 3 I thought on God, and favours past,
     but that increased my pain,
   I found my spirit more oppressed,
     the more I did complain.

 4 Through ev'ry watch of tedious night
      thou keep'st my eyes awake;
   My grief is swelled to that excess,
      I sigh, but cannot speak.

 7 Has, God for ever cast us off?
     withdrawn his favour quite?.
 8 Are both his mercy
       and his truth
     retired to
         endless night?

10 I said, My weakness hints these fears:
     but I'll my fears disband;
   I'll yet remember the Most High,
     and years of his right hand.

11 I'll call to mind his works of old,
     the wonders of his might;
12 On them my heart shall meditate,
     my tongue shall them recite.

13 Safe lodged from human search on high, 
      O God, thy counsels are!
   Who is so great a God as ours?
      who can with him compare?

19 Through rolling streams
       thou find'st thy way, 
     thy paths in waters lie,
   Thy wondrous passage, where no sight
     thy footsteps can descry.

  [Through rolling streams
       thou find'st thy way, 
     thy paths in waters lie,
   Thy wondrous passage, where no sight
     thy footsteps can descry.]

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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