Fy nghoelbren syrthiodd ar y wlad, Yr etifeddiaeth oreu gaed, Bwrcasodd dwyfol, nefol waed F'Anwylyd a fy Nuw; Fy Mrawd, a 'Mhriod yw efe, F'Eiriolwr addfwyn yn y ne', Ag sydd ei hun yn llanw lle Pob rhyw gariadau'n fyw. Yn mhlith plant dynion, ni cheir un Yn para'n gywir fel ei hun, Nid yw ei gariad, megys dyn, Yn gŵyro yma a thraw; Ond rhad anfeidrol yw ei ras, I bechaduriaid cyndyn, câs; A garodd ef, fe'u dwg i maes O'u pechod ac o'u braw. O addfwyn Iesu! gâd im fod O fewn dy gorlan, dan dy nôd, A phob rhyw nwydau dan fy nhroed, Yn gyfiawn o dy hedd; Yn nghanol terfysg a phob gwae, Croes a chystuddiau yn amlhau, Heb fedru dim ond llawenhau, Nes gorwedd yn y bedd.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [8886D]: gwelir: Yn mhlith plant dynion ni cheir un |
My lot fell upon the land, The best inheritance there is, That the divine, heavenly blood of my Beloved and my God purposed; My Brother, and my Own one is he, My dear Intercessor in heaven, Who is himself flooding the place Of all kinds of love living. Amongst the children of men, none is found Truly to compare with him, His love is not, like that of men, Veering here and there; But immeasurably free is his grace, To stubborn, detestable sinners; Whom he loved, he drew them out Of their sin and out of their terror. O dear Jesus! let me be Within thy fold, under thy mark, With all kinds of lusts under my foot, Deserving of thy peace; In the midst of tumult and every woe, Cross and afflictions multiplying, Able to do nothing but rejoice, Until lying in the grave.tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |