Ferch Seion llawenha

(Dydd yr Arglwydd)
  Ferch Seion, llawenha!
    Dydd gwir lawenydd yw,
  Dydd llawn newyddion da
    I bawb ddynolryw;
O! cân, yn orfoleddus, cân!
Cyfododd Iesu'th Brynwr glân.

  Rhinweddau mawr ei waed
    Gyhoedda'r "trydydd dydd;"
  Pob gelyn dan ei draed,
    Yn orchfygedig sydd!
Eglurodd Ef ei ddwyfol rym,
Wrth ddryllio rhwymau angeu llym.

  Ei fuddugoliaeth Ef,
    Yw'n sicrwydd gobaith ni
  O bur drigfanau'r nef,
    Drwy haeddiant Calfari;
Yn ddiogel awn i'r ochr draw,
Mae pob awdurdod yn ei law.

  Ein calon fo mewn hwyl,
    I'w wir addoli Ef;
  A rhodder ar ein gwyl
    Eneiniad gras y nef;
Disgyned ar bob enaid byw,
Y nefol dan i foli Duw.
Robert M Jones (Meigant) 1851-99

Tôn [666688]: Beverley (The Psalms of David 1791)

(The Day of the Lord)
  Daughter of Zion, rejoice!
    A true day of joy it is,
  A day full of good news
    To all of humankind;
O sing, jubilantly, sing!
Jesus, thy holy Redeemer arose.

  The great virtues of his blood
    The "third day" announces;
  Every enemy under his feet,
    Is overcome!
He made evident his divine power,
By shattering the bonds of sharp death.

  His victory,
    Is the assurance of our hope
  Of the pure residences of heaven,
    Through the merit of Calvary;
Safely let us go to yonder side,
All authority is in his hand.

  May our hearts be in good spirits,
    Truly to worship him;
  And may the anointing of the grace
    Of heaven be upon our festival;
Let the heavenly fire to  praise God
Descend upon every living soul.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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