Fe dreulia amser oll i ma's
Fe dreulia amser oll o'r bron

("Y pethau a welir sy dros amser")
Fe dreulia amser oll o'r bron,
Wrthddrychau goreu'r ddaear hon;
  Ond Iôr fy ngrym
      yr un a fydd,
  I oesoedd trag'wyddoldeb ddydd.

Fy mrodyr gerais fel fy hun,
Sy'n myn'd o'm blaen o un i un;
  Henffych i'r dydd cawn eto gwrdd,
  Yn Sïon hardd o ddeutu'r bwrdd.

Mae'r Iubil fawr yn agoshau,
A'r dyddiau hir i lawenhau;
  Fry, gyda'm brodyr, rif y gwlith,
  Câf weled gwedd fy Mhriod byth.

C'ôd f'enaid gwan, dy ben trwy ffydd,
A gwêl y gwynfydedig ddydd;
  Cei goron aur,
      a phalmwydd gwyrdd,
  Ar orsedd hardd,
      ymhlith y myrdd.
o'r bron :: i ma's
Wrthddrychau :: Gwrthddrychau
'r ddaear hon :: 'r ddaear las
Ar orsedd hardd, ymhlith y :: A chanu moliant gyda

Morgan Rhys 1716-79

Tonau [MH 8888]:
    Bromley (Jeremiah Clarke c.1673-1707)
    China (<1829)
    Horsley (William Horsley 1774-1858)
    St Elizabeth (<1875)
    St Gregory (Johann Balthasar König 1691-1758)
    St Martini (G B Martini 1706-84)

("The things that are seeen are temporary")
All the time is completely spent,
Of the best objects of this earth;
  But the Lord of my strength
      the same shall be,
  Unto the ages of eternal day.

My brothers I loved like myself,
Have gone before me one by one;
  Hail to the day I may get to meet again,
  In beautiful Zion around the table.

The great Jubilee is approaching,
And the longs days to rejoice;
  Above, with my brothers, numerous as dew,
  I will get to see my Spouse forever.

Raise, my weak soul, thy head through faith,
And see the blessed day;
  Thou wilt get a golden crown,
      and green palm branches,
  On a beautiful throne,
      amongst the myriad.
completely :: out
this earth :: the blue-green earth
On a beautiful throne, amongst the :: And to sing praise with a

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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