Fe gais yr oes ei gwynfyd

(Yr Awr Dawel)
Fe gais yr oes ei gwynfyd
  Yn sŵn difyrrwch gau,
Hen ddeall ysytr bywyd
  A'r mwyniant sy'n parhau;
A'm henaid innau flina
  Ar ferw'r dyrfa hy;
O! Dad rho imi yma
  Awr dawel yn dy dŷ.

Ni cheir yng nghwmni'r dyrfa
  Ond pleser ennyd awr;
Yr unig nef sy'n para
  Yw cymni f'Arglwydd mawr;
A chyda'r pererinion
  A gais dy ŵyneb cu,
Rho imi'n hael gysuron
  Awr dawel yn dy dŷ.

Daw dynion yn siomedig
  Oddi wrth bleserau'r oes;
Hudoliaeth byd
    a'i swynion
  A dry yn chwerw loes;
Gwyn fyd y neb a brofodd
  Yr hedd sydd oddi fry;
Ni siomwyd neb a gafodd
  Awr dawel yn dy dŷ.
John Tywi Jones 1870-1948
(diwygiwyd yn Y Llawlyfr Moliant Newydd 1956-74)

Tôn [7676D]: Llangloffan (alaw Gymreig)

(The Quiet Hour)
The age seeks its blessedness
  In the noise of false pleasure,
Without understanding the meaning of life
  And the enjoyment that is enduring;
But my own soul wearies
  At the bustle of the bold throng;
O Father, give me here
  A quiet hour in thy house!

In the company of the throng is got
  Only the pleasure of a brief hour;
The only heaven that lasts
  Is the company of my great Lord;
And with the pilgrims
  Who seek thy dear face,
Give me as generous comforts
  A quiet hour in thy house.

Men shall come disappointed
  From the pleasures of the age;
The magic of the world
    and it's enchantments
  Shall turn into bitter anguish;
Blessed is anyone who has experienced
  The peace that is from above;
No-one is disappointed who got
  A quiet hour in thy house.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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