Cān etifeddion grās
Fe gān 'tifeddion gras
Mae gan 'tifeddion gras

(Canu am fuddugoliaeth)
  Fe gān 'tifeddion gras
    Yn beraidd maes o law,
  Wrth weled boddi'r Aifft,
    A hwythau'r ochr draw;
Fy enaid, hźd i ben y bryn, 
I wel'd y goncwest ryfedd hyn. 

  Yn uchel fry ar fryn,
    Rhwng daear gron a nef,
  Holl rwysg Gehenna fawr,
    A'i grym, orchfygodd Ef:
Tan hoelion dūr, 'Fe'u maeddodd hwy,
Pa fodd ymffrostia uffern mwy?

  Wel dacw'r ffordd yn rhydd,
    Agorwyd hi o bob tu,
  O ddyfnder daear lās,
    I uchder nefoedd fry:
O dring, dring, fy enaid mwy,
Mae nerth i'w gael mewn marwol glwy'.

  Wel, deuwn yn y blaen,
    Fe gwympodd ofnau mawr,
  Ar y gelynion hy'
    Oedd am ein cael i lawr;
Fe gaed y dydd, mi glywa'r nen
Yn canu'r goncwest ar y pren.
Fe gān 'tifeddion ::        
        Cān etifeddion
        Mae gan 'tifeddion
              - - - - -

  Fe gān 'tifeddion gras
    Yn beraidd maes o law,
  Wrth weled boddi'r Aipht,
    A hwythau'r ochr draw;
Fy enaid, hed i ben y bryn,
I wel'd y goncwest ryfedd hyn.

  Mae enw Calfari,
    Fu gynt yn w'radwydd mawr,
  Yn ngolwg f'enaid cu
    Yn fwy na'r nef yn awr:
O, ddedwydd fryn, santeiddiaf le,
Dderbyniodd ddwyfol waed y ne'.

  Am Iesu mawr ei ras
    Y mae caniadau'r nef;
  A'r anthem gyda blās
    Sy'n myn'd i'w glustiau Ef:
Teylnau aur sy'n cānu'n un,
Effeithiol concwest Mab y dyn.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [666688]:
    Adoration (The Parish Choir 1851)
    Gwladys (William Tans'ur 1700-83)
    Lenox (Lewis Edson 1748-1820)
    St Anatolius (J B Dykes 1823-76)
    St Swithin (Edward Jesser)

    A heibio'r dywell nos
    Mae enw Calfari
    Mawr iawn yw gwres y tān

(Singing about victory)
  The heirs of grace shall sing
    Sweetly soon,
  On seeing the drowning of Egypt,
    And they on yonder side,
My soul, fly to the top of the hill,
To see this wonderful conquest.

  High up on a hill,
    Between round earth and heaven,
  All the ostentation of great Gehenna,
    And its force, He overcame:
Under nails of steel, He beat them,
How can hell boast any more?  

  See yonder the way free,
    It was opened on every side,
  From the depth of blue-green earth,
    To the height of heaven above:
O climb, climb, my soul evermore,
Strength is to be got in a mortal wound.

  See, let us come forward,
    Great fears fell,
  On the boastful enemies
    Who wanted to get us down;
He got the day, I hear heaven
Singing the conquest on the tree.
The heirs … shall sing ::        
        The heirs … shall sing
        The song of the heirs … is
                - - - - -

  The heirs of grace shall sing
    Sweetly soon,
  On seeing the drowning of Egypt,
    And they on yonder side;
My soul, fly to the top of the hill,
To see this wonderful conquest.

  The name of Calvary,
    Which once was a great shame,
  Is in the sight of my dear soul
    Greater than heaven now:
O, happy hill, most holy place,
Which received the divine blood of heaven.

  About great Jesus his grace
    Are the songs of heaven;
  And the anthem with relish
    Is going to His ears:
Harps of gold are playing as one,
The effective conquest of the Son of man.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(Conquest of the Saints)
  The heirs of grace shall sing,
    Melodious in that day,
  When Egypt's mighty hosts
    Are banish'd all away;
Ascend the hill, my soul, and see
This great and glorious victory.

              - - - - -

  The heirs of grace shall sing,
    Melodious in that day,
  When Egypt's mighty hosts
    Are banish'd all away;
Ascend the hill, my soul, and see
This great and glorious victory.

  The name of Calvary,
    Once a place of shame,
  It has, to-day, to me
    A glory in the name:
Oh, happy mount, the choicest given.
On thee was shed the blood of heaven.

  Of Jesus and his grace
    Heaven is filled with song,
  The anthems of the place,
    His name they all prolong:
The golden harps will join in one
To praise the victories of the Son.
tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tune [666688]: Adoration (The Parish Choir 1851)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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