Fe gofiodd Duw am danaf

(Ar yr un Natur)
Fe gofiodd Duw am danaf
  Yn nhrag'wyddoldeb pell
Gan osod un o'r gwaelaf
  Yn ei gyfammod gwell;
Mewn amser fe'm canlynodd,
  Tosturiodd wrthw'i'n rhad,
Pan o'wn yn ddiymgeledd
  Yn gorwedd yn fy ngwa'd.

Yn rhad mi ge's fy nghodi
  Oddiwrth y byd i'r làn,
Yn rhad amlygwyd imi
  'R Messeia mawr yn rhan:
Yn rhad mi ge's fy nghynnal
  Mewn llawer trallod trist,
Yn rhad ce's nerth o'r newydd
  I bwyso ar Iesu Grist.
Swp o Ffigys 1825

Tonau [7676D]:
    Dartford (<1825)
    Zion's Glory (Martin Madan 1725-90)

(On the one Nature)
God remembered about me
  In distant eternity
When he placed one of the worst
  In his better covenant;
In time he followed me,
  He had mercy on me freely,
When I was helpless
  Lying in my blood.

Freely I got raised
  Up from the world,
Freely was revealed to me
  The great Messiah as a portion:
Freely I got upheld
  In many a sad trouble,
Freely I got strength anew
  To lean on Jesus Christ.  
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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