Fe'm llyngcwyd i fyny mewn syndod i gyd

(Cān y gwaredigion am angeu'r groes)
Fe'm llyngcwyd i fyny mewn syndod i gyd
Wrth feddwl am angeu
    Iachawdwr y byd;
  Trysorau o gariad, trysorau o ras,
  Na fedr angylion eu gosod i maes.

O! henffych, ddirgelion anfeidrol eu rhyw,
A ddaeth i'r goleuni
    trwy glwyfau fy Nuw;
  Ni fydd tragwyddoldeb ddim gormod ei hun
  I chwilio dyfnderoedd
      fy Arglwydd yn ddyn.

Ysbrydoedd rhai cyfiawn
    ddiangodd o'r byd,
A hyn sy'n difyru eu hunain o hyd,
  Gan edrych i'r orsedd
      ddisgleirwen o'u blaen,
  A dyblu fyth eilwaith
      ac eilwaith eu cān.

Eu cān sydd am gariad
    yn gwared y byd,
Am undeb angylion
    a seintiau yn nghyd,
  Am ddoniau'r Messīah,
      am feithder ei loes,
  Ac am anfeidroldeb
      holl bwrcas y groes.

"Y nerth a'r gogoniant,
    a'r gallu, a'r clod,
I'r Hwn sydd yr awr hon,
    a'r Hwn sydd erio'd;
  I'r Alpha, Omega,
      i'r Drindod yn Un,
  I'r Oen a fu farw dros bechod y dyn."

"'Does neb ar y ddaear,
    ni ddaw, ac ni fu,
Yn deilwng i dderbyn yr enw ond ti:
  Ti brynaist y cwbl,
      ti rhoddaist yn rhad,
  Ti brynaist a'th fywyd,
      ti brynaist a'th wa'd."
brynaist ā'th :: a'u prynaist ā'th

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau []:
Joanna (Caniadau y Cyssegr 1839)
Wareham (William Knapp 1798-1868)

  Angelion gadd wybod peth guddiwyd o hyd
  O henffych dirgelion anfeidrol eu rhyw

(The song of the delivered about the death of the cross)
I was swallowed up all in surprise
While thinking about the death
    of the Saviour of the world;
  Treasures of love, treasures o grace,
  Angels cannot set them forth.

O hail, secrets of an immeasurable kind,
That came to the light
    through the wounds of my God;
  Eternity itself shall not be too long
  To search the depths
      of my Lord as man.

Ye righteous Spirits who
     escaped from the world,
And those who delight themselves always,
  By looking to the shining white
      throne before them,
  And forever double again
      and again their song.

There song is about love
    delivering the world,
About the unity of angels
    and saints together,
  About the gifts of the Messiah,
      about the extent of his anguish,
  And about the immeasurability of
      the whole purpose of the cross.

"The strength and the glory,
    and the power, and the praise,
To Him who is now,
    and Him who always was;
  To the Alpha, Omega,
      to the Trinity in One,
  To the Lamb who died for the sin of man."

"There is none on the earth,
    nor to come, nor who was,
Worthy to receive the name but thou:
  Thou didst redeem the whole,
      thou gavest freely,
  Thou didst redeem with thy life,
      thou didst redeem with thy blood."

tr. 2017,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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