Fe'n gwnaed ni yma'n un

Didst thou not make us one?

(Undeb y Teulu)
  Fe'n gwnaed ni yma'n un;
    Boed ini oll barhau
  I rodio yn gytun,
    Gan ddwyn yr esmwyth iau,
Nes ini brofi oll yn nghyd
Ei berffaith gariad yn y byd.

  Nesâu mae'r dedwydd ddydd
    Bydd Seion Duw ar dân,
  O'i holl gadwynau'n rhydd
    Gerbron yr orsedd lân,
Heb unrhyw ofid mwy na phoen,
Yn cadw neithior fawr yr Oen!

  O boed i'th Ysbryd, Iôr,
    Ein selio hyd y dydd
  Daw'r saint o dir a môr,
    A'u rhwymau oll yn rhydd;
Cawn yna ganu gyda hwy
Dragwyddol glod am farwol glwy'!
Hymnau (Wesleyaidd) 1844

Tôn [666688]: Alun (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

(The Unity of the Family)
  He made us here as one;
    Let us all continue
  To walk in agreement,
    While bearing the easy yoke,
Until we experience all together
His perfect love in the world.

  Approaching is the happy day
    When the Zion of God shall be on fire,
  From all her chains free
    Before the holy throne,
Without any grief any more or pain,
To keep the great wedding-feast of the Lamb!

  O may thy Spirit, Lord,
    Seal us until the day
  When the saints come from land and sea,
    And all their bonds free;
There we may sing with them
Eternal praise for a mortal wound!
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
  Didst thou not make us one,
    That we might one remain,
  Together travel on,
    And bear each other's pain,
Till all thy utmost goodness prove,
And rise renew'd in perfect love?

  Surely thou didst unite
    Our kindred spirits here,
  That all hereafter might
    Before thy throne appear;
Meet at the marriage of the Lamb,
And all thy glorious love proclaim.

  O may the Spirit seal
    Our souls unto that day!
  With all thy fulness fill,
    And then transport away!
Away to our eternal rest,
Away to our Redeemer's breast!
from: Thou God of truth and love

Charles Wesley 1707-88

Tune [666688]: St Godric (John Bacchus Dykes 1823-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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