Fe saif addewid fawr y Tad

(Hawl i'r Cyfammod)
Fe saif addewid fawr y Tad,
  A'i gariad byth heb ball;
Gan iddo roi ei Fab dan glwy',
  Ein siomi mwy nis gall.

Yn y cyfammod newydd wnaeth,
  Mae iachawdwriaeth dyn;
I hwn, er mor annheilwng wyf,
  Rhoes imi hawl ei hun.

Mae genyf yn ei 'wyllys ran,
  Er bod tan lawer loes;
Pwrcasodd nefoedd imi'n rhodd,
  Pan drengodd ar y groes.

I'w enw rhoddaf byth y mawl,
  Fe roes im' hawl i'r nef;
Y testament hyfrydaf gaed,
  A'i waed y seliodd ef.

Goleuni, nerth, a chymod rhad,
  Sydd yn dy waed i mi;
Rhof finau
    bellach, yn ddiball,
  Fy hunan oll i ti.
cyf. Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [MC 8686]:
Brooklyn (W H Havergal / L Mason)

(The Right to the Covenant)
The great promise of the Father stands,
  And his love forever without faltering;
Since he put his Son under a wound,
  It cannot disappoint us henceforth.

In the new covenant he made,
  Is the salvation of man;
To this, although so unworthy I am,
  He gave me his own right.

I have in his will a part,
  Although under much distress;
He purchased heavens for me as a gift,
  When he perished on the cross.

To his name I will forever give praise,
  He gave me the right to heaven;
The most delightful testament had,
  Which his blood did seal.

Light, strength, and free reconciliation,
  Are in thy blood for me;
I for my part will give
    henceforth, unfailingly,
  Myself all to thee.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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