Fe welir Crist yn dod o'r nef

Fe welir Crist yn d'od o'r nef,
A'i lân angylion gydg Ef,
  A'i ogoneddus saint yng nghyd,
  I farnu'r ddaiar faith i gyd.

Ni gawn i gyd ei weled Ef
Yn dyfod ar gymylau'r nef;
  Bydd holl drigolion daiar gron
  Yn gorfod plygu ger ei fron.

O boed i ni o hyd yn awr
Wir ganlyn byth yr Iesu mawr;
  Ei eiriau Ef a fyddo o hyd
  Yn rheol barn hyd ddiwedd byd.

Pawb sy'n ei ddilyn ym mhob oes,
Ac hyd y bedd yn dwyn y groes,
  Gânt sefyll ar ei ddeheu law
  Pau ddêl Efe ar gwmwl draw.
Hymnau Hen a Newydd 1868

Tonau [MH 8888]:
    Angel's Song (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
    Eisenach (J H Schein 1586-1630)

Christ is to be seen coming from heaven,
And his holy angels with Him,
  And his glorious saints together,
  To judge all the vast earth.

We will all get to see Him
Coming on the clouds of heaven;
  All the inhabitants of the round earth will be
  Forced to bow before him.

Oh may we always now
Truly follow great Jesus forever;
  His words shall be always
  A rule of judgment until the end of the world.

All who follow him in every age,
And as far as the grave carry the cross,
  Shall get to stand at his right hand
  When He comes on yonder cloud.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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