Fe welir Seion fel y wawr

1,(2,(4));  1,3.
(Gogoniant Seion)
Fe welir Seion fel y wawr,
  Er gwaeled yw ei gwedd,
Yn d'od i'r làn o'r cystudd mawr,
  'Rol agor pyrth y bedd:
Heb glaf na chlwyfus yn eu plith,
  Yn ddysglaer fel yr haul,
Yn y cyfiawnder dwyfol pur,
  A wnaed gan Adda'r Ail.
[Trwy haeddiant gwiw yr Aberth gwir
   A roed gan Adda'r ail.]

Aed mawl a gweddi'r saint i'r lan,
  Fel pêr aberthau byw;
A boed serchiadau Seion wan
  Ar dân yn moli Duw;
Mewn gemwaith aur bydd hon cyn hir,
  Heb dristwch, cur, na phoen,
Yn canu am goncwest fawr a gaed
  Trwy werthfawr waed yr Oen.

Cydunwn ninnau ar y llawr,
  A'r saint a'r engyl fry,
I roddi ein coronau i lawr
  Wrth draed ein Harglwydd cu;
Nes caffom fyned yno i'w plith,
  I'w weled a'i fwynhau,
Lle nad oes ond dedwyddwch pur,
  Tragwyddol yn parhau.

Yn awr i'r Tad, mewn cariad cu,
  Yr hardd gyflwynir hon,
Heb arni un brycheuyn du,
  Yn briodasferch lon:
Dadseina'r holl eangder fry,
  Gan ryw soniarus lef,
Pan fyddys yn ei harwain hi
  I mewn i lys y nef.
Seion :: Sïon
gwaeled :: tloted :: saled
'Rol :: 'N ol
cyfiawnder dwyfol pur :: cyfiawnder dwyfol byth

1: Morgan Rhys 1716-1779
2: John Williams 1728-1806
3: William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog)1802-83
4: Aberth Moliant 1875

Tonau [MCD 8686D]:
Aeron (<1869)
  Claudius (<1964)
Ellacombe (1863 St Gall Gesangbuch)
  Fe Welir Seion Fel Y Wawr
    (Moses Owen Jones 1842-1908)
Gwynfe (David W Lewis 1845-1920)
Haydn (J Haydn 1732-1809)
Jerusalem (Charles H Purday 1799-1885)
Lebanon (<1876)
  Prospect (<1835)
Prydain (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
St Matthew (William Croft 1678-1727)
  Tŷ Gwyn (<1835)

  Fe welir Seion fel y wawr [888D]
  Ni welodd llygaid dyn erio'd
  Wel f'enaid cerdd y fordd yn hŷ
  Tra yn y dyrys anial dir
  Y waredigol dorf o Saint

(Zion's Glory)
Zion will be seen like the dawn,
  Though her countenance be so base,
Coming up from the great tribulation,
  After the opening of the portals of the grave:
Without any sick nor any wounded among them,
  Shining like the sun,
In the pure, divine righteousness,
  Which the Second Adam wrought.
[Through the worthy merit of the true Sacrifice
   Which was offered by the second Adam.]

Let the praise and prayer of the saints go up,
  Like sweet living sacrifices;
And may the affections of weak Zion be
  On fire praising God;
In gold jewellery she will be before long,
  With no sadness, blow, or pain,
Singing of the great conquest got
  Through the precious blood of the Lamb.

Let us too unite down below,
  With the saints and the angels above,
To put our crowns down
  At the feet of our dear Lord;
Until we get to go among them,
  To see him and enjoy him,
Where there is only pure happiness,
  Eternal continuing.

Now to the Father, in dear love,
  This beauty is to be presented,
With no black spot upon her,
  As a joyful bride:
All the vastness above will echo,
  With some resounding cry,
When we are led
  Into the court of heaven.
so base :: so poor :: so sickly
pure, divine righteousness :: divine righteousness forever

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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