Fel chwant babanod am y fron, I 'mborthi a chynhyddu ar hon; Am brofi'r 'fengyl y mae'r saint, Ac wrth y 'fengyl byw y maent. Eu calon gyd â blys a geir Yn hoffi'r hyn a draetho'r Gair; Rhai garo'r Tad, eu caru wnant, A'r gwaith mae e'n gasau, casant. Nid holl bleserau'r byd na'i fael A'u gwna hwy'n gaeth i drachwant gwael, Ni anghofiant ddim ei geni o Dduw, Mewn pechod mwy ni feiddiant fyw. Nid gweniaeth gwyr trahaus na'u gwg, A'u dena'n draws i wneuthur drwg; Ffydd fel congcwerwr mawr y sydd O ochr Duw yn cario'r dydd. Gras Duw fel had dilwgr coeth Sydd ynthynt yn teyrnasu'n ddoeth; 'Gwyddorion nefol sydd yn gwa'rdd Plant Duw rhag pechu yn anhardd. Nid trwy ddim ofnau caeth neu gur, Maent yn cyflawni'i 'wyllys pur; Ond mewn ffyddlondeb mawr a pharch, A chariad gwnant ei felus arch. Bob awr y cânt ddyfodfa rwydd At Dduw o fewn i'r llen i'r llwydd; Cânt nerth oddi yno i'w bywhau, A gwir lawenydd i barhau. O ddedwydd 'stad, a rhyfedd fraint, Gras Duw'n llifeirio at y saint! Cael myn'd wrth faingc eu Tad o'r nef, A gwel'd ei wyneb hawddgar ef. Dof finneu at dy faingc, O Dad, Gwna fi yn blentyn it' trwy rad; Disgynned Yspryd dy Fab di I dduwiol ffufio nghalon i. Tywallt dy gariad yno ar lled, Cryfha nghysuron i a'm cred; Yna caf ddweud, fy Nhad a'm Duw, Heb ddim amheuaeth yn fy myw.cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77 Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775
Fel chwant babanod am y fron, I ymborthi a chynnyddu ar hon, Am laeth y gair sycheda'r saint, Ac ar ei rinwedd byw y maent. Nid holl bleserau'r byd na'i fael, A'u ceidw'n gaeth i drachwant gwael; Mewn pechod mwy ni feiddiant fyw, Eu geni wnaed o Ysbryd Duw. Rhai garo'u Tad, eu caru wnant, A'r hyn mae e'n gasâu, gasânt; Eu ffydd fel dewr orchfygwr sydd O ochr Duw yn cario'r dydd.cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77 Cas. o dros Ddwy Fil o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841 [Mesur: 88.88] |
Like the desire of babies for the breast, To feed and increase on this; Wanting to experience the gospel are the saints, And living by the gospel they are. Their heart have the pleasure that is got Liking what the Word expounds; They love those who love the Father, And the work he hates, they hate. Not all the world's pleasure nor its gain Shall make them captive to base greed, They shall not forget at all that they are born of God, In sin they dare no longer live. Not the flattery of haughty men nor their frown, Shall draw them over to do evil, Faith like a great conquerer is On God's side carrying the day. God's grace like uncorrupted, refined seed Is in them ruling wisely; Heavenly principles are forbidding God's children from sinning unseemly. Not through any captive fears or stroke, Are they fulfilling his pure will; But in great faithfulness and reverence, And love they do his sweet bidding. Every hour they get ready access To God within the curtain to the happiness; They get strength from there to revive them, And true joy to endure. O happy estate, and wonderful privilege, God's grace streaming to the saints! To get to go by the throne of their Father from heaven, And see his beautiful face. I too shall come to thy throne, O Father, Make me thy child through grace; Let the Spirit of thy Son desend To make my heart godly. Pour thy love there abroad, Strengthen my comforts and my faith; Here I may say, my Father and my God, Without any doubt for the life in me.
Like the desire of babies for the breast, To feed and increase on this; For the milk of the word the saints thirst, And on his merit they are living. Not all the world's pleasure nor its gain, Shall keep them captive to base greed; In sin no more shall they dare to live, They have been born of God's Spirit. They love those who love their Father, And those who hate him they hate; Their faith like a brave conqueror is On God's side carrying the day.tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion |
So new-born babes desire the breast, To feed, and grow, and thrive; So saints with joy the gospel taste, And by the gospel live. With inward gust their heart approves All that the word relates; They love the men their Father loves, And hate the works he hates. Not all the flatt'ring baits on earth Can make them slaves to lust; They can't forget their heav'nly birth, Nor grovel in the dust. Not all the flatt'ring baits on earth Can make them slaves to lust; They can't forget their heav'nly birth, Nor grovel in the dust. Grace, like an uncorrupting seed, Abides and reigns within; Immortal principles forbid The sons of God to sin. Not by the terrors of a slave Do they perform his will, But with the noblest powers they have His sweet commands fulfil. They find access at every hour To God within the veil; Hence they derive a quick'ning power, And joys that never fail. O happy souls! O glorious state Of overflowing grace! To dwell so near their Father's seat, And see his lovely face! Lord, I address thy heav'nly throne; Call me a child of thine; Send down the Spirit of thy Son To form my heart divine. There shed thy choicest loves abroad, And make my comforts strong: Then shall I say, "My Father God!" With an unwav'ring tongue.cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77 Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775
So new-born babes desire the breast, To feed, and grow, and thrive; So saints with joy the gospel taste, And by the gospel live. Not all the flatt'ring baits on earth Can make them slaves to lust; They can't forget their heav'nly birth, Nor grovel in the dust. With inward gust their heart approves All that the word relates; They love the men their Father loves, And hate the works he hates. Not all the chains that tyrants use Shall bind their souls to vice; Faith, like a conqueror, can produce A thousand victories.Isaac Watts 1674-1748 [Metre: CM 8686] |