Fel hyn mae 'nghalon o'm mewn i

SALM 27 - Rhan II
[8] Fel hyn mae 'nghalon o'm mewn i,
  Yn holi ac yn ateb:
"Ceisiwch fy wyneb ar bob tro;"
  "Fy Nuw, 'rwy'n ceisio d'wyneb."

[9] Na chudd dy wyneb rhag dy was,
  Fy mhorth a'm hurddas ydwyd,
Na ād, na wrthod fi, tra'n fyw,
  Tydi yw Duw fy iechyd.

[11] Duw, dysg i mi dy ffordd yn rhwydd,
  O herwydd fy ngelynion;
Ac arwain fi, o'th nawddol rad,
  Yn wastad ar yr union.

[14] Disgwyl di wrth yr Arglwydd da,
   Ac ymgysura ynddo;
 Efe a nertha'th galon di
   Am hyny dysgwyl wrtho.
Edmund Prys 1544-1623

Tôn [MS 8787]: Sabbath (John Williams 1740-1821)

gwelir: Rhan I - Yr Arglwydd yw fy ngoleu ' gyd

PSALM 27 - Part 2
Thus is my heart within me,
  Asking and answering:
"Seek my face at every turn;"
  "My God, I am seeking thy face."

Do not hide thy face from thy servant,
  My help and my dignity art thou,
Do not leave, do not reject me, while I live,
  Thou art the God of my salvation.

God, teach me thy way freely,
  Because of my enemies;
And lead me, by thy protecting favour,
  Constantly straight.

[Wait thou for the good Lord,
   And take comfort in him;
 He will strengthen thy heart
   Therefore wait for him.]
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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