Fel y brefa'r hydd lluddedig Am afonydd dyfroedd byw, Felly hiraeth mawr fy enaid Sydd am danat, O fy Nuw; Gwir sychedig, Yw fy yspryd am dy ras. Pa'm, fy enaid, y'th ostyngir? Pa'm yr ymderfysgi c'yd? Etto dod yn Nuw dy obaith, A'i foliannu gei ryw bryd; Iachawdwriaeth, Ei wynebpryd fydd dy gan. Etto'r Arglwydd a orchymmyn Ei drugaredd fore-ddydd, Ac am dani yn y cyfnos Melus fy nghaniadau fydd; Duw fy einioes! Caf ei ganmol cyn bo hir.Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623 Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1837 Tôn [878747]: St Asaph (alaw Gymreig) |
As the exhausted deer bleats For rivers of the living waters, Thus the great longing of my soul Is for thee, O my God; Truly thirsty, Is my spirit for thy grace. Why, my soul, art thou brought low? Why art thou in a tumult for so long? Again put thy hope in God, And to praise him thou wilt get some time; The salvation, Of his countenance shall be thy song. Again the Lord will command His mercy in the morning, And about me in the evening Sweet my songs shall be; God of my lifespan! I shall get to praise him before long.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |