Felly carodd Duw wrthddrychau
Felly carodd Duw wrthrychau

("Felly carodd Duw y byd.")
"Felly carodd Duw" wrthddrychau
  Anhawddgara erioed a fu;
"Felly carodd" fel y rhoddodd,
  Anwyl Fab ei fynwes gu;
Nid arbedodd, ond traddododd
  Ef, tros ein pechodau i gyd;
Taro'r Cyfaill, arbed gelyn,
  "Felly carodd Duw y byd!"

"Felly carodd," gan dosturio,
  'N rhâd wrth hunan-ddamniol ddyn,
"Felly carodd," yn anfeidrol
  Deilwng byth o hono'i Hun:
Er arbediad gwrthryfelwyr,
  Gwnaeth ei Fab yn aberth drud;
Maddeu iddynt a'u cofleidio,
  "Felly carodd Duw y byd!"

"Felly carodd," ond ni ddichon
  I angelion nef y nef,
Draethu i oesoedd trag'wyddoldeb,
  Led a hyd ei gariad Ef:
Dyfnach yw na dyfnder daear;
  Uwch na'r nefoedd fawr i gyd,
Rhaid yw tewi gyda dywedyd,
  "Felly carodd Duw y byd."

"Felly carodd," hyfryd newydd!
  Aed ar aden awel gref,
Nes i'w adsain gyrhaedd clustiau
  Pob pechadur dan y nef:
"Felly carodd," felly carodd,
  Seinied pob creadur byw,
Fel b'o i'r dylanwad nerthol
  Danio'r byd â chariad Duw.
wrthddrychau :: wrthrychau
I angelion :: Holl angelion
aden :: adain

William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tonau [8787D]:
Dusseldorf (Felix Mendelssohn 1809-47
Ebeneser (T J Williams 1869-1944)
Edinburgh (F A G Ouseley 1825-89)
Sanctus (John Richards 1843-1901)
Tanycastell (John Jones [Talysarn] 1796-1857)
Tôn [8787]:
  Dijon (1794 J G Bitthauer)

("God so loved the world.")
"God so loved" objects
  The most unpleasant ever that were;
He "so loved" that he gave,
  The dear Son of his dear bosom;
He did not spare, but gave up
  Him, for all our sins;
Striking a Friend, saving an enemy,
  "God so loved the world!"

He "so loved," by showing mercy,
  Freely towards self-condemned man,
He "so loved," immeasurably
  Worthy ever of Himself:
For the sparing of rebels,
  He made his Son a costly sacrifice;
Forgiving them and embracing them,
  "God so loved the world!"

He "so loved," but not possible
  For angels of the heaven of heaven,
To expound to eternal ages,
  The breadth and length of His love:
It is deeper than the depth of earth;
  Higher than all the great heavens,
Keeping silent is necessary with telling,
  "God so loved the world."

He "so loved," delightful news!
  Let it go on the wing of a strong breeze,
Until its resonance reaches the ears
  Of every sinner under heaven:
He "so loved," he so loved,
  Let every living creature sound,
That the strong influence comes
  To ignite the world with God's love.
For the angels :: For all the angels

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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