Ffarwel bleserau'r byd

(Hyder y Cristion)
Ffarwel bleserau'r byd,
  Ei freulyd fri a'i fraw,
Ni 'hedwn mwy fel adar mān,
  I'n trigfan treiglwn draw:
Cawn yno hyfryd hedd,
  A rhyfedd roddion rhad;
O dewch, O dewch, ni awn yn hy,
  Tu a'r wledd sy'n
      nhŷ ein Tad.

Henffych gyfeillion da,
  Fe ddarfu'r gaua i gyd,
Yn awr mae llais y durtur lon,
  Lan dirion yn y byd;
Fe ddaeth yr hyfryd haf,
  Yn beraidd braf i'n bro,
Gogoniant fo i'r Iesu byw,
  Fe carodd Duw ni, do.

Yn awr mae'r adar man,
  Ar dān yn moli Duw,
Yn awr mae'r haul a'r nefol hin,
  Ar rai o'r werin wiw:
Fe ddaeth y Jubili,
  On'd braf yw'n bri
      a'n braint?
Cawn fyn'd i dre' ar fyr o dro,
  I seinio gyda'r saint.

Ein brodyr sydd o'u bron,
  Yn morio i Sļon wiw;
Mewn hyfryd hwyl
    yn myn'd tua'r wlad,
  Lle mae ein Tad yn byw,
Cawn landio oll i'r lan,
  I'r hafan hyfryd fry;
I blith y rhai sy'n gwaeddi'n rhad,
  Am gariad Iesu cu.
Yn awr mae'r adar man ::        
        Daeth bore'r adar mān

William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia, rhan 4, 1746.

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Aberdār (alaw Ellmynig)
Lonsdale (<1829)

gwelir: Henffych gyfeillion da

(The Confidence of the Christian)
Farewell, pleasures of the world,
  It's fragile renown and its terror,
Let us fly evermore like smalls bird,
  To our dwelling let us trundle yonder:
There we shall get delightful peace,
  And wonderful gracious gifts;
O come ye, O come ye, let us go boldly,
  Towards the feast which is in
      our Father's house.

Hail, good friends,
  The winter passes away altogether,
Now is the voice of the
    cheerful turtledove,
  Wholly tender in the world;
The delightful summer came,
  Sweetly pleasant to our vale,
Glory be to the living Jesus,
  God so loved us, yes he did.

Now the small birds are
  On fire praising God,
Now is the sun and the heavenly weather,
  On those of the worthy folk:
The Jubilee came,
  Are not our renown and
      our privilege good?
We may get to go home shortly,
  To sound with the saints.

Our brothers are almost all,
  Sailing to worthy Zion;
In a delightful mood
    going towards the land,
We shall all get to land up
  In the delightful harbour above;
Amongst those who are shouting freely,
  About the love of dear Jesus.
Now the small birds are ::        
        The morning of the small birds has come

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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