Ffyddlondeb mawr y nef

1a,2,4;  1b,2,3.
(Duw yn anghyfnewidiol)
  Ffyddlondeb mawr y nef
    Sydd siwr o bara byth,
  'Does dim a'i briwia ef
    O'r ddae'r i uffern syth;
Mae'i arfaeth fawr a'i air yn un,
A gwaed y groes
      oll yn gyttûn.

[  Ffyddlondeb mawr y nef
     A bery yn ddilyth,
   Nid oes a'i newid ef
     O'r nef i uffern byth;
 Mae'i arfaeth fawr a'i ras yn un,
 A gwaed y groes,
       oll yn gyttûn.]

  Cyfnewid y mae dyn,
    Tröedig yw erioed,
  Ond digyfnewid Duw, 
    Fel haul neu sêr y rhod;
Ac ar ei faith ffyddlondeb ef
Y try gogoniant nef y nef.

  Oddiwrtho'n unig daw
    'Nghorfoledd a fy hedd;
  Oddiyno rhed yn llif
    Tu hwn a thraw
          i'r bedd:
Er darfod haul
      a sêr y nef,
Ni dderfydd ei ffyddlondeb ef.

  O! fendith heb ddim trai,
    Cysuron heb ddim rhi', 
  Sy'n tarddu, Iesu, i maes,
    Bob awr, o honot ti;
Nis gallaf fyth ddymuno mwy
Trysorau nag sydd yn dy glwy'.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [666688]:
    Dudley (Edward Francis Rimbault 1816-76)
    Gopsal (George Frederick Handel 1685-1759)
    Gwladys (William Tans'ur 1700-83)
    Maggie (T Thomas, Bangor.)
    Normandy (alaw Seisnig)

gwelir: Cyn tynir f'enaid gwan

(God as unchangeable)
  The great faithfulness of heaven
    Is sure of continuing forever,
  There is nothing which shall bruise it
    From the earth to stubborn hell;
Its great design and its word are one,
With the blood of the cross
      all in agreement.

[  The great faithfulness of heaven
     Shall continue unfailingly,
   There is nothing shall change it
     From heaven to hell ever;
 Its great design and its word are one,
 With the blood of the cross,
       all in agreement.]

  Changeable is man,
    Prone to turning he is always,
  But unchangeable God,
    Like the sun or stars of the sky;
And on his great faithfulness
Turns the glory of the heaven of heaven.

  From him alone come
    My jubilation and my peace;
  From within him it runs as a flood
    On this, and the far,
          side of the grave:
Despite the fading away of the sun
      and stars of heaven,
His faithfuness shall never fade away.

  Oh, blessing without any ebbing,
    Comforts without any number,
  Which issue, Jesus, out,
    Every hour, from thee!
I can never wish for any more
Treasures than are in thy wound.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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