Fy enaid deffro di

(Rhan o Salm CIII)
Fy enaid, deffro di
  Ar dân i foli Duw, 
Bendithia'i enw am ei ddawn,
  Dy ddyled gyfiawn yw.

Yr hwn sy'n maddeu'th fai,
  Ac yn iachau dy glwy',
Gwaredu'th fywyd, ac amlhau 
  Ei ddoniau'n fwy na mwy.

Diwallu d'angenrhaid
  Bob dydd heb baid y bu, 
Corona'th oes o hyd â hedd
  Ei râd drugaredd gu.

Trugarog, ac yn llawn
  ras a dawn yw Duw:
A pharod iawn i faddeu bai
  I'r rhai sy'n ddrwg eu rhyw.

           - - - - -

Fy enaid, deffro di
  Ar dân i foli Duw, 
Bendithia'i enw am ei ddawn,
  Dy ddyled gyfiawn yw.

Tylwythau'r ddaear faith,
  Pob llwyth ac iaith ynghyd,
Aberthwch iddo foliant glacirc;n
  Mewn hyfryd gacirc;n i gyd.

O dewch i mewn i'w byrth,
  A degwch ebyrth byw
O foliant am ei ddoniau mad
  A'i rad i ddynol ryw!

Tragwyddol pey hedd
  Ei fawr drugaredd gun;
A'i bur wirionedd sy'n parhau
  O hyd drwy'r oesau'r un.
William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Carlisle (Charles Lockhart c.1745-1815)
Dennis (H G Nageli 1768-1836)
Silchester (H A Caesar Malan 1787-64)

(Part of Psalm 103)
Awake, my soul
  On fire to praise God,
Bless his name for his might!
  Thy whole duty it is.

He it is who forgives thy fault,
  And heals thy wound,
Delivers thy life, and multiplies
  His gifts more and more.

Satisfies thy need
  Every day never having stopped,
Crowns thy life continually with the peace
  Of his dear free mercy.

Merciful, and full
  Of grace and might is God:
And very ready to forgive a fault
  To those who are of an evil kind.

               - - - - -

Awake, my soul
  On fire to praise God,
Bless his name for his might!
  Thy whole duty it is.

The tribes of the vast earth,
  Every tribe and tongue together,
Sacrifice to him holy praise
  In a delightful song together.

O come into his gates,
  And bring a living sacrifice
Of praise for his esteemed gifts
  And his favour to human kind!

Eternal will endure the peace
  Or his great, dear mercy;
And his pure truth which endures
  Always through the ages the same.
tr. 2009,10 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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