Fy Arglwydd Dduw moliannaf Di

(Salm LXXXVI. 12,13; XLIX. 15)
Fy Arglwydd Dduw moliannaf Di
  Â'm hegni ac o'm calon;
Ac i'th fawr enw byth gan dant
  Y rhof ogoniant cyson.

Cans mawr yw dy drugaredd Di
  Tuag ataf fi yn barod:
Gwaredaist f'enaid i o'r bedd,
  Ac o'r gorddyfnedd isod.

Daw dydd i'r cyfiawn,
    tranoeth teg,
  Daw im ychwaneg estyn,
Daw im o'r bedd
    godiad i fyw,
  Deheulaw Duw a'm derbyn.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Abergwili (David Lewis 1828-1908)
Ely (Thomas Turton 1780-1864)

    [Gwelir / 'Rwy'n gwel'd] mai'r bedd yw lletty'r doeth

(Psalm 86:12,13; 49:15)
My Lord God I will praise Thee
  With my vigour and from my heart;
And to thy great name forever with a string
  I will give constant glory.

Since great is Thy mercy
  Towards me already:
Thou didst deliver my soul from the grave,
  And from the extreme depth below.

A day will come for the righteous,
    a fair morrow,
  It will bring me an additional stretch,
It will bring me from the grave
    a rising to live,
  The right hand of God will receive me.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
(PSAL. LXXXVI. 12,13; XLIX. 15.)
Thee will I praise, O Lord my God,
  praise thee with heart sincere,
And to thy everlasting Name
  eternal trophies rear.

Thy boundless mercies shown to me
  transcend my pow'r to tell,
For thou hast oft redeemed my soul
  from lowest depths of hell.

But God will yet
    redeem my soul,
  and from the greedy grave
His greater pow'r
    shall set me free,
  and to himself receive.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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