Fy enaid cyfod cân i Dduw

(Hiraeth am Baradwys)
Fy enaid, cyfod cân i Dduw,
  I'th wreiddyn byw a'th ffynnon,
Ysgwyd oddi wrthyt yr holl lwch,
  Y tristwch a'r amheuon.

Dod heibio'r holl feddyliau gwael
  Sy'n mynnu cael dy lethu;
Nerth Duw, a gododd Grist yn glau,
  A'th gyfyd dithau i fyny.

Duw, gad i'th enw gael y clod,
  N'ad orfod dy drugaredd,
N'ad elyn hyll i lawenhau,
  N'ad finnau'n anghyfannedd.

Fe roddes Duw im adain ffydd,
  Fel hedydd mi ehedaf
I fyny ato Ef, fy Nhad,
  I mewn i'r wlad oruchaf.

Lle ni ddaw byth y cwestiwn pam,
  Na chŵyn na cham na chwmwl,
Lle nid oes ofal yn y byd,
  Na phwys na phenyd meddwl.
Morgan Llwyd 1619-59

Tôn [MS 8787]: Dyfroedd Siloa (John Williams 1740-1821)

(Longing for Pardise)
My soul, raise a song to God,
  To thy living root and thy fount,
Shake off from thee all the dust,
  The sadness and the doubts.

Come past all the base thoughts
  Which insist on wearying thee;
God's strength which raised Christ swiftly
  Shall raise thee also up.

God, let thy name get the praise,
  Do not let anything overcome thy mercy,
Do not let an ugly enemy rejoice,
  Do not leave me desolate.

God has given me wings of faith,
  Like a lark I shall fly
Up to Him, my Father,
  Within the supreme land.

A place where never comes the question why,
  Nor complaint nor wrong nor cloud,
Where there is no care in the world,
  Nor weight nor sorrow of mind.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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