Fy enaid deffro a'm tafod cân
O deffro'm serch - fy nhafod cân

1,2,3,4,(5),6,7;  1,3,4,(6);  1,3,4,5.
("A lefarodd ... yn ei Fab")
Fy enaid, deffro, a'm tafod, cân
Ardderchog glod i'r Arglwydd glân: 
  Hosanna i'r tragwyddol Dduw,
  Ei gariad Ef, diderfyn yw.

Yn wyneb Crist llewyrcha i ma's,
Y ddelw decaf oll o'i ras;
  Gwnaeth Duw yn mherson Iesu glân,
  Waith mawr tu hwnt i ddim o'r bla'n.

Y ddaear faith a'r eang fôr
Sy'n datgan gwaith ein cadarn Iôr
  A'i fawr ogoniant welir fry
  Yn ddisglair ym mhob seren sy.

Ond yn edrychiad Iesu cawn
Weld holl ogoniant Duw yn llawn;
  Disgleirdeb hoff ei ŵyneb Ef
  Lewyrcha'n fwy na holl lu'r nef.

O! am gael byw i fynd i'r lle
Cawn weld ei ŵyneb hawddgar E':
  Ei degwch fydd ein holl fwynhad,
  A thestun aur
      delynau'r wlad.

Gras! mae fe'n destyn peraidd braf;
Wrth enw'r Iesu llawenhâf:
  Angylion sefwch ar y swn,
  O'r nef i'r ddae'r adseiniwch hwn.

O, na allwn fyw i fyn'd i'r lle,
Cawn wel'd ei wyneb hawddgar 'fe;
  Yno'i holl degwch eglurhâir,
  A'i foli wnant
      ar delyn aur.
Fy enaid deffro a'm tafod ::      
      O deffro'm serch - fy nhafod

Yn wyneb :: Y'ngwyneb

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Angel's Hymn (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Bream (<1875)
Breslau (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)
Melcombe (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Myrddin (Harry Evans 1873-1914)
Rockingham (Edward Millar 1731-1807)
Worcester (Accepted Widdop 1750-1801)

("Has spoken ... by his Son")
My soul, awake, and my tongue, sing
Excellent praise to the holy Lord;
  Hosanna to the eternal God,
  His love, it is boundless.

In the face of Christ there shines out,
The fairest image of all his grace;
  God did in the person of holy Jesus,
  A great work beyond anything before.

The wide earth and the vast sea
Are declaring the work of our strong Lord;
  And his great glory is to be seen above
  Shining in every star that is.

But in looking to Jesus is to get
To see the whole glory of God fully;
  The desirable brightness of His face
  Shines more than all the host of heaven.

Oh to get to live to go to the place
To get to see his face who is amiable:
  His fairness will be our whole enjoyment,
  And the theme of the golden
      harps of the land.

Grace! it is a fine, sweet theme;
At the name of Jesus I will rejoice:
  Ye angels, stand at the sound,
  From heaven to the earth echo ye this!

O that I could live to go to the place,
Where I could see his beautiful face;
  There all his fairness is to be shown,
  And praise him they shall
      on a golden harp.
My soul, awake, and my tongue ::      
      Oh awake my affection - my tongue


tr. 2009,15 Richard B Gillion

Awake, my heart; arise, my tongue,
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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