Fy enaid mola'r Arglwydd nef

1,2,3,4,8;  1,5,(6,7),8.
(Salm CXLVI - Duw Sion yn teyrnasu /
Mawl i Dduw am ei ddaioni a'i ras)
Fy enaid mola'r Arglwydd nef;
  Mi a'i molaf ef i'm bywyd:
Dangosaf glod
    i'm Harglwydd Dduw,
  Tra gallwyf fyw, neu symmud.

Na wnewch hydr ar d'wysogion,
  Nac ar blant dynion hydol;
Am nad oes ynddynt hwy i gyd
  Na help nac iechyd nerthol.

Pan el y ffun
    o'r genau gwael,
  A'r corph i gael daearlen:
Felly dychwel; fel dyna'r dydd
  Y derfydd ei holl amcan.

Y pryd hyn gwyn ei fyd efô
  A roddo ei holl obaith
Ar Dduw Iago, yn gymmorth da,
  Pan el oddiyma ymaith.

Hwn Dduw a wnaeth
    nef, daear, môr,
  A'r holl ystôr sydd ynddynt;
Hwn a saif yn ei wir ei hun,
  Pryd na bo un o honynt.

Yr hwn i'r gwael
    a rydd farn dda,
  A bara i'r newynllyd?
Fe ollwng Duw y rheidus gwâr,
  O'i garchar
      ac o'i gaeth-fyd.

Yr Arglwydd egyr lygaid dall,
  Ef a dyr wall gwael-ddynion;
Ymg'leddu'r gwan mae'n Harglwydd ni,
  A hoffi y rhai cyfion.

Yr Arglwydd yn teyrnasu a fydd,
  Dy Dduw tragywydd, Sion;
O oes i oes
    pery dy lwydd:
  Molwch yr Arglwydd tirion.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Ann's (<1835)
Oldenburg (Andachts Zymbeln 1655)
Trallwm (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-75)

gwelir: Yr Arglwydd yn teyrnasu sydd

(Psalm 146 - The God of Zion reigning /
Praise to God for his goodness and his grace)
[1] My soul, praise the Lord of heaven;
  [2] I will praise him to my life's end:
I will show esteem
    to my Lord God,
  While I am able to live, or move.

[3] Do not put confidence in princes,
  Nor in the children of worldly men;
Because there in not in any of them
  Either help or strong life.

[4] When the breath goes
    from the base mouth,
  The body goes to get an earth-sheet:
Thus he will return; like that is the day
  All his purpose vanishes.

[5] At that time blessed is he
  Who puts all his hope
On the God of Jacob, a good help,
  When he goes away from here.

[6] He is the God who made
    heaven, earth, sea,
  And the whole store which is in them;
He shall stand in his own truth,
  When there be not one of them.

[7] He to the poor
    shall give good judgment,
  And bread to the starving;
God shall release the needy obedient,
  From his prison
      and from his captive world.

[8] The Lord shall open blind eyes,
  He shall break the deceit of base men;
Helping the weak is our Lord,
  And loving the righteous ones.

[10] The Lord reigning shall be,
  Thy God of eternity, Zion;
From age to age
    thy prosperity shall continue:
  Praise ye the tender Lord.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
1,2 O Praise the Lord, and thou, my soul
      forever bless his name;
    His wondrous love,
        while life shall last,
      my constant praise shall claim.

  3 On kings, the greatest sons of men,
      let none for aid rely;
    They cannot save in dang'rous times,
      nor timely help apply.

  4 Deprived of breath,
        to dust they turn,
      and there neglected lie,
    And all their thoughts and vain designs
      together with them die.

  5 Then happy he, who Jacob's God
      for his protector takes;
    Who still with well placed hope the Lord
      his constant refuge makes.

  6 The Lord, who made
        both heav'n and earth,
      and all that they contain,
    Will never quit his steadfast truth,
      nor make his promise vain.

  7 The poor oppressed
        from all their wrongs
      are eased by his decree;
    He gives the hungry needful food,
      and sets the pris'ners

  8 By him the blind receive their sight,
      the weak and fall'n he rears;
    With kind regard and tender love
      he for the righteous cares.

 10 The God that does in Zion dwell
      is our eternal King:
    From age to age
        his reign endures;
      let all his praises sing.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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