Fy enaid mola'r Arglwydd byw

(Salm CIV)
Fy enaid, mola'r Arglwydd byw;
  O f'Arglwydd, Dduw y mawredd!
Mawr wyt, gogoniant a gei di,
  Ymwisgi âg anrhydedd.

Megys ei ddillad y gwisg fo
  Am dano y goleuad;
Rhydd yn ei gylch yr wybr ar dân
  Yn llydan, fel llen wastad.

Cref y rhoes sail
    y ddaear gron,
  Fel na syfl hon oddi yno;
A'r hon a 'bery fel y rhoes
  O oes i oes heb siglo.

Tydi, O Dduw! ddilledaist hon
  A'r eigion yn fantellau;
Ac oni bai dy ddeheu-law,
  Ai'r deifr uwch law y bryniau.

Gosodaist derfyn
    lle'r arhônt,
  Ac fel nad elont drosto,
Ac fel na ddelont byth
    dros lawr
  Y ddaear fawr, i'w chuddio.

O Dduw! mor ryfedd yw dy waith,
  O'th synwyr berffaith dradoeth!
Gwnaethost bob peth
    â doethder dawn,
  A'r tir sydd
      lawn o'th gyfoeth.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tônau [MS 8787]:
Morganwg (hen alaw)
Persia (alaw henafol)

gwelir: Rhan II - Duw pan agorech di dy law

(Psalm 104)
My soul, praise the living Lord;
  O my Lord, God of the majesty!
Great art thou, thou hast glory,
  Thou dost clothe thyself with honour.

As his clothing he wears
  About him the light;
Freely around him the sky on fire
  Broadly, like a continuous curtain.

Stongly he set the foundation
    of the round earth,
  That this would not move from there;
And this shall endure as he set it
  From age to age without shaking.

Thou, O God, didst clothe this
  With the ocean as mantles;
And but for thy right hand,
  The deep would go above the hills.

Thou didst set a boundary
    where they stop,
  And that they would not go over it,
And that they would not come ever
      over the ground
  Of the great earth, to cover it.

O God, how wonderful is thy work!
  Of thy perfect sense so wise!
Thou madest every thing
    with the wisdom of ability,
  And the land which is
      full of thy wealth.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
 1 Bless God, my soul; thou, Lord, alone 
     possessest empire without bounds;
   With honor thou art crowned, thy throne 
     eternal majesty surrounds.

 2 With light thou dost thyself enrobe,
     and glory for a garment take;
   Heav'n's curtains stretch beyond the globe, 
     thy canopy of state to make.

 5 Earth on her center fixed he set,

     her face with waters overspread,

 6 Nor proudest mountains dared, as yet,

    to lift above the waves their head.

 9 There hast thou fixed
       the ocean's bounds, 
     the threat'ning surges to repel;
   That they no more
       o'erpass the mounds, 
     nor to a second deluge swell.

24 How various, Lord, thy works are found, 
     for which thy wisdom we adore;
   The earth is with
       thy treasure crowned, 
     till nature's hand
         can grasp no more.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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