Fy enaid na therfysga

(Ydwyf yr hwn Ydwyf - Ecsodus iii, 14.)
Fy enaid, na therfysga,
  Er cwrdd ag amal loes,
Yr un yw mawr ffyddlondeb
  Dy Dad o oes i oes;
Ei en ef yw Ydwyf
  'Rhwn Ydwyf, ar bob pryd,
Fe geidw'i eiriau gwerthfawr,
  Pe'n ulw'r elai'r byd.

"Cyfranwr bywyd Ydwyf
  I blant y gaethflud fawr,
Cynnaliwr gweiniaid Ydwyf,
  O'r dechreu hyd yn awr;
Yr Ydwyf mewn hyfrydwch
  Yn gwrando gweddi'r tlawd,
I'r truan a'r digymhorth
  Yr Ydwyf well nā brawd."

Er bod yn fyr o lawer
  O wych drysorau'r byd,
Trwy gael yr Iesu'n briod
  Caf fwy nā'n gwerth i gyd;
Sef cyfaill yn y tymmor
  Tymhestlog sydd o'm bla'n,
Diangfa rhag gwasgfeuon,
  A ffordd i'r Ganaan lān.
Casgliad o Hymnau (J Harris) 1824

Tonau [7676D]:
Culmstock (<1824)
Penrhyn (<1824)
Pentraeth (<1824)

(I Am who I Am - Exodus 3:14)
My soul, do not be in tumult,
  Despite meeting with many afflictions,
The same is the great faithfulness
  Of thy Father from age to age;
His name is I Am
  Who I Am, on every occasion,
He will keep his precious words,
  If the world should go to ashes.

"The distributor of life I Am
  To the children of the great captivity,
The help of the weak I Am,
  From the beginning until now;
The I Am in delight
  Listening to the prayer of the poor,
To the wretched and the helpless
  I Am better than a brother."

Although being short of many
  Of the brilliant treasures of the world,
Through getting Jesus as my own
  I will get more than all their worth;
That is a friend in the tempestuous
  Season that is before me,
An escape from tight places,
  And a road to the holy Canaan.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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