Fy hoffder a'm rhyfeddod yw

(Dyddanwch yn enw Duw)
Fy hoffder a'm rhyfeddod yw,
Dy holl weithredoedd di, O Dduw;
  Dy degwch ynddynt sy':
Nid oes ar dir a moroedd maith,
Nac yn y nefoedd uchod chwaith,
  Ond gwaith dy ddwylaw cu.

Ond golud gras mor rhyfedd yw,
I'w weld yn wyneb Iesu gwiw,
  Mae'n tynu mwy o'm bryd:
Doethineb, serch, trugaredd, cawn,
Yn cyd-lewyrchu yma'n llawn,
  A gwir ac iawnder drud.

Dy gariad yw fy nhrysor drud,
Dy wyneb geisiaf fi hyd,
  Gorphwysfa f'enaid yw;
Pe collwn bob peth ar y llawr,
A chael dy bresennoldeb mawr,
  Yn ddedwydd byddwn byw.

Pa fodd y lledaf glod fy Nuw
Dros weddill f'oes
    sydd im' i fyw?
  Rhof iddo fawl dilyth:
Offrymu wnaf fy einioes gu,
Yn eiddo ef hyd angeu du,
  Ac eiddo ef dros byth.
Casgliad o Bum Cant o Hymnau (D Jones) 1810

[Mesur: 886D]

gwelir: Dy gariad yw fy nhrysor drud

(Comfort in the name of God)
My delight and my wonder is,
All thy actions, O God;
  Thy fairness is in them:
There is nothing on land or vast seas,
Nor in the heavens above either,
  But the work of thy dear hands.

But the wealth of grace so wonderful is,
To see it in the face of worthy Jesus,
   It is drawing more of my attention:
Wisdom, affection, mercy, 
Shining together here fully,
  And truth and precious righteousness.

Thy love is my precious treasure,
Thy face I will always seek,
  The resting-place of my soul it is;
If I should lose everything on the earth,
And get thy great presence,
  Happily I would be living.

How shall I widen the acclaim of my God
For the rest of my age
    which is for me to live?
  I will give him unfailing praise:
Offer I shall my dear lifespan,
As his possession until black death,
  And his possession for ever.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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